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I left my girl back home
I don't love her no more
And she'll never fucking know that
These fucking eyes that I'm staring at
Let me see that ass
Look at all this cash
And I emptied out my cards too
Now I'm fucking leaning on that


We enter an abandoned warehouse only for us to see a gazillion racks of clothes, hair products and supplies, and dozens of people. He wasn't lying when he said I was going to change. I was not prepared nor did I believe him.

"Welcome Delilah Ivanov! We are here to pretty you up!" A woman says from out of fucking nowhere. "Come take a seat!"

Viktor ushers me over to the chair and I sit down. I look at myself in the mirror as the woman picks up my hair they begin their work. I close my eyes as I become relaxed. Music begins blaring through the speakers.

"What color do you want her hair?" The hair lady asks.

"Blonde. She hasn't earned the red hair yet," Viktor replies. "Make her seem like a normal girl."

"Normal how?" She asks.

"Like she's a college student and she's looking for the next best thing in life," Viktor responds.


The maroon crop top barely hides my oversized boobs but looks cute nonetheless. My ripped skinny jeans make my thighs and ass pop. I look amazing. My hair is a pretty natural blonde and my make up is glamorous.

"You look gorgeous." Viktor compliments me as he appears in the mirror. "All of these clothes are now yours as for the rest of it."

"Can we go now?! I'm hungry!" Nik yells from across the warehouse.

"Yes, for fuck's sake!" Viktor yells at Nik.

We leave the warehouse and get into the SUV. We leave and make our way through the city and quickly out of it. We reach the suburbs and the many mansions before pulling down a long dirt road. The dirt road turns into concrete before we stop in front of a big iron gate.

The gate opens up and we drive through. A big five story mansion graces us. Pillars and windows, as well as windows, are everywhere. We come to a stop beside a very large fountain and get out. Shivers fill my body as I take in the atmosphere of the mansion.

We make our way to the front door and knock. The door comes open and a maid lets us in. I follow closely behind Viktor and Nik as we walk through the decorated corridor.

Paintings and other art fill the long corridor. They're amazing and beautiful. I wonder what the rest of the mansion looks like.

We enter the dining room and Nik and Viktor sit down. Everyone in the room stares at me. One guy in particular is only catching my attention. He has jet black hair with a thick bushy beard and is very, very muscular. His blue eyes shine bright and are beautiful. He's very chiseled much like a muscle man.

"Who is this?" The man asks as he stares at me.

Viktor looks at me and then at the man. "This is Delilah," Viktor states.

"Delilah have a seat. We don't have all night," the guy comments.

I quickly sit in the empty seat as food begins to be dished out. Quiet chitchat fills the room as I take in everyone around me. Shrimp amongst other seafood graces my plate making me snark my nose up.

"Are you allergic to seafood?" Viktor asks.

"Yes," I reply. "Very close to being highly allergic."

"Can we get her something else?" Viktor asks a maid.

My plate is quickly gone and replaced with chicken Alfredo. Everyone around me begins eating and chatting amongst themselves. I quietly eat my food and drink my wine.

"Come with me." I turn my head to the side and see the man from the head of the table. "Hurry."

I quickly and quietly excuse myself. I follow the mysterious man down the long hallways and the many stairs. His pace never slows and I'm getting tired from trying to keep up.

We enter a large room with more than enough furniture. Two couches, a table, desk, ottoman, chairs, and a recliner. It's like a man cave type room.

"Have a seat," he blurts out.

He sits behind the desk as I sit in the chair across from him. He stares at me as a blank expression. I cross my legs and sit up straight underneath his intimidating gaze.

"Why are you here?" He asks.

"Viktor brought me here to marry you," I reply honestly.

"I don't do women like you. You're too young, naive, clueless to the world, and have no clue as to what life is really about," he begins. "You're a child and I'm not marrying you."

"You're a dick," I mutter.

"Get out!" He yells.

I stand up and slam my hands down on the table. I ignore the fact that he just watched my boobs jiggle. Men are ridiculous. My eyes are up here dude.

"Look, macho man, I've taken down a lot of men in my day," I point out.

"I bet you have. You do look like a two bit whore." He insults me.

I slap him across the face making his head snap to the side. His eyes grow dark as he stands up and towers over me. I cross my arms over my chest and glare up at him. He picks me up by my throat and throws me across the room making me land on the table breaking it.

I cough and roll off the pieces of wood as he stands over me. I scramble to my feet as I hold a piece of sharp wood behind my back. His chest rises violently. I take a step toward him. He tries to grab me but I shove the piece of wood through his thigh making him hiss in pain. He stumbles backwards as he yanks the piece of wood out of his leg.

"You have fucked up, my dear," he taunts.

"You think or do you know?" I question.

He hits me in the face sending me to the ground but I quickly get back up and knee him in the balls. He falls to his knees giving me a much better advantage. I punch him in the nose then knee him in the face letting him fall to the ground. I kick him in the stomach making him double over.

"Fucking cunt," I mutter as I begin to walk away.

He grabs my ankles and yanks me to the ground making me fall and hit my nose on the chair. Blood gushes from my lip and nose as I lay there in pain. He climbs on top of me and pins me down. I feel his erected dick against my leg making me internally roll my eyes.

"Why is your dick hard?" I ask as I try to wiggle out of his hold.

"Because you fucking turn me on bitch!" He replies.

"Oh, you want to fuck then? I mean, I am game! I'm totally down for the dick," I state.

"Fuck it," he mutters before roughly kissing me

I run my fingers through his hair as he begins leaving kisses on my neck. He undies my pants and picks me up as he stands up making them fall to my ankles . He sets me on the desk as he quickly gets undressed. I quickly shed my clothes and spread my legs like a cheap whore.

"No going back now."

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