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On a long and lonesome highway
East of Omaha
You can listen to the engine
Moanin' out his one note song
You can think about the woman
Or the girl you knew the night before
But your thoughts will soon be wandering
The way they always do
When you're ridin' sixteen hours
And there's nothin' much to do
And you don't feel much like ridin',
You just wish the trip was through

*unedited* Delilah POV

The tan legged child sits in front of me. Her long black hair reaches her waist. She has bright blue eyes and freckles on her cheeks. She's almost the exact replica of me. She has braces, which I never had, and she has a birth mark on her neck, I think.

"How'd you find this place?" I ask.

"Someone named Viktor sent me a letter a few months ago. I was thrown out of my house a few hours ago so I walked here and took a cab," she replies. "Someone at the gate paid for the taxi fee."

"Holy shit, she's your twin," Dimitri mutters from behind me.

"Is this my dad?" Nina asks as I look at Dimitri.

"If you want me to be," Dimitri replies.

"Are you guys going to adopt me now?" Nina asks.

"Well, duh."

The elevator ride up is taking forever especially since I have great news to tell Dimitri. I made Nina stay in the lobby just in case she needs a quick getaway. The doors open up and I get out. I rush over to his office and open the door.

I quickly glance around but don't see him. I walk out and close the door. I turn around and look at his secretary. She slightly shrugs before looking away. I make my way down to Nik's office and bust in like I'm the police. Nik is balls deep in Dimitri's assistant. I quickly cover my eyes as Nik groans.

"Have you seen Dimitri?" I ask.

"No, I've been quite busy," Nik replies.

"Sorry," I mutter before exiting.

I move my hand and head back to the elevator. I press the down button making the doors open. I step inside and hit the first floor button. The doors close and we move to the next floor down.

The doors open up and Geo walks in. I keep my eyes forward as I see Dimitri running to the elevator but the doors close before he can reach it. The elevator begins its descent down when I feel Geo's hand on my shoulder. I turn around and look at him as he holds a shot gun at my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I feel time slow down.

"Revenge, bitch! You fucked with the wrong mafia!" He yells before pulling the trigger of the shotgun.

I fly against the elevator wall as he fires another shot into my shoulder. Blood covers the walls and my clothes. He sets the gun back in his hidden holster and pulls out a knife. He stabs me in the stomach and legs making me cry out in pain.

The elevator dings and he quickly gets off before pulling out a different gun and shooting through the crowd of people in the lobby. I drag myself out of the elevator with my good arm.

Nina and I make eye contact as she hides under the receptionists desk. She puts her finger over her lips as she holds a male opener and a pair of scissors in her hand. Geo walks behind the desk but doesn't see Nina. He sets his empty guns down the counter before sitting through the paper work.

Nina's small hand finds his knife and slices through his Achilles' tendons. Geo screams out in pain as Nina scurries our from under the desk. She stabs him in the gut and shoulder. Geo tried to grab her but she slips away and slices through his throat. She drops the knife and runs over to me.

"Where's your phone?" Nina asks as she searches my frail body. "Please, don't die."

The elevators open up as guards run through the front entrance. Dimitri drops to the ground beside Nina with his phone in his hand. My eyes begin to get heavy as I lay there bleeding out of every hole I now have.

"We don't have time to wait on the ambulance! Nina, I need you to go get the car! Elliot will be in it across the street! Go now!"


Nina sits across from me in the waiting room as the cops ask her questions. She keeps it simple and occasionally glances at me. It's been a rough few hours and we've yet to hear anything. It feels like that we just got her home from the hospital after he attacked us the first time.

"Nina, we need you to come with us," one of the cops states.

Nina jolts you and crosses her arms over her chest before glaring at the two officers. The look on her face reminds me of Delilah when she is mad. They are both small and intimidating.

"You have to go back to your Forster parents house," they state.

Nina quickly reaches for the officers gun and fires two shots into both of them before they can react. She drops the gun and looks at me. Her face is void of emotions and her eyes are completely dark.

The hospital alarms go off and security and cops pile into the waiting room. They quickly take Nina into custody and read her rights to her. She looks me in the eyes and smiles.

"Turn the page, turn the page," she repeats before they take her out.

I get my phone out and call Nik. I inform him of everything that's going on and make him check on Nina as she arrives at the jail. I inform Vik and Winnie before putting my phone up and collecting my thoughts.

Are all of my kids going to be psychopathic murderers? Are they going to be the exact same way Delilah is/was? We need to leave New York as soon as possible.

"Mister Volkov?" I look up and see. Short female doctor. She's pretty and black. She also has a big diamond ring on her finger.

"That is me," I reply.

"Your wife suffered a lot of blood loss but we were able to keep her alive to get the triplets out and save her. She no longer has a right arm and will most likely need therapy for the mental trauma she will go through," she states.

"What about the triplets?" I ask.

"They are you in the NICU. They were born three months too early so they will be here for a while. You have two girls and a boy. Your boy was taken out first," she replies.

"When can I see all of them?" I ask.

"Whenever you want. Your wife is in the maternity ward which is on the same floor as the NICU. You and her are the only ones aloud in the NICU to see your babies," she responds.

I stand up and pull the short woman into my arms. I hug her tightly then let go. She looks up at me with widened eyes but I ignore them.

"Thank you! Can I get your name?" I ask.

"Doctor Gabrielle Taylor-Lombardi."

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