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When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same


"What do you fucking mean my house was blown up?!" I yell at the cops as they stand in front of me.

"Someone blew up half of your house but the other half was not damaged," the officer replies. "Your kids are safe and are with your neighbors, the Lombardi's."

I shove past him and run out to my car. I get in and make my way home only to see half of my house. I make my way out of the car and over to the charred remains.

"Dimitri, she's gone," Vinnie's voice fills my ears.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"A group of men took Delilah then blew up your house. Gabrielle and Winnie were able to get the kids out before the test do the house caught fire. My men have been working since I was informed which was about two to three hours ago," he explains. "We don't know who has her but they would've had to of known where you lived and when you wouldn't be home."

"Did Gabrielle see the vehicles?" I ask.

"She did but there was no plates or any marks that could be used to track it down," he replies.

"I fucking knew everything was awfully quiet. There was no reason for that part of the world to be quiet. Whoever done this has balls, I'll give them that, but I'll catch them and end them for good."

In the past couple of days, I've sent all of my kids to my aunts in Russia and to Viktor's. I've been cooped up in my office trying to find Delilah but have come up with nothing. I've put a search out for her in the mafia world but no one is willing to look for a White Rabbit.

"Hey, you just got this in the mail!" Nik yells as he enters my office.

He tosses the package on my desk. I pick it up and quickly tear it open. A CD sits in front of me with my name and Delilah's on it. I take it out of the case and shove it into my computer. I click on the file as a video clip pulls up. I begins playing revealing Delilah tied to a chair and gagged.

She looks terrible. There's dried blood caked on her face and she's almost naked. All she has on is her bra and underwear. The screen switches to her tied down in a torture device with my ass in the air sort of like doggy style but her legs are strapped in.

Someone comes up from behind her and slaps her ass with a board making her bleed. Her muffled screams fill my ears sending shivers down my spine. The person picks something up and teases her with it before shocking her making her twitch.

"Dimitri Volkov, your pretty little wife will die at my hands if you do not give us what we want," a distorted voice states. "We will be in contact. No cops, no other mafias, no small gangs. You, me, and her. Have fun."

The video stops play and the screen goes black. I take the disc out and put it back in its case. I look over at Nik as he sits in front of me on his phone.

"What are you going to do? Don't act out, by the way," Nik blurts out. "You have a lot of enemies so it'll be hard figuring out who it is."

"I've killed the majority of them. They were all old men. Maybe it's someone new," I babble.

"Give me the disk and I'll get JJ to analyze it or whatever. I don't want to watch it and I don't want to know what's on it," he replies.

I hand him the disk and he takes it. Nik quietly leaves my office as my thoughts begin zooming through my mind. There is a difference between being broken from loss and being broken mentally, physically, and emotionally. Delilah will not be okay when she gets back here. This is going to take me longer than I hoped it would only because I have no idea where to start my search or who to look into.

I have enemies everywhere and some are unknown to me. I have a top three and those are James O'Connor, Jesus Hernandez, and Carl Matthews. James is the mafia boss for the Irish mafia, Jesus is the leader of a very small Mexican gang from Florida, and Carl is the leader of the American mafia. Carl and I were on the verge of settling our differences when the whole abduction thing happened.

"Where the hell is she, Dimitri?!" Viktor asks as he barges into my office. "Why didn't you protect her?!"

"Will you stop your goddamn yelling, Viktor?!" I snap. "If I knew where the fuck she was then I would have gotten her back already! I have no fucking clue on where she is or who she is with! It could be a number of people who took her! I don't know what these people want from me!"

"Don't you dare yell at me," he mutters as he plops down in the chair in front of me. "Why did I have to hear this from Nik? Shouldn't I be the first one you call?"

"Because I'm still trying to figure this out on my own," I reply.

"I want to know what happened the day they took her," he comments.

"About six or so guys showed up in all black. They went into the house and made Winnie go with the kids. They hit Delilah in the head before dragging her through the yard to a vehicle where they drove off as half of the house exploded," I reply. "JJ is working on getting the security cameras footage from when she was taken."

"You remember when your mom and father were taken? I know you were very young," he asks.

"Kind of," I reply.

"You were around three and it was right after you just had your birthday. Your mom was home alone with you when something shook the house. You were up in your room sound asleep when she was kidnapped. It took about seven men to get her and they were all blacked out just in case you saw them," he begins. "After a few days maybe even a week of me not being able to find them, they were killed and you were sent to Russia. From what you have told me, it sounds like the Irish have taken her. They use more men than necessary when trying to get someone but with her being a White Rabbit they weren't going to take any chances."

"Haven't done anything to the Irish in years," I reply. "Why would they attack now?"

"You remember that man you killed when you were like fourteen?" He asks.

"Yes, why?" I reply.

"His name was Jethro O'Connor. He took your parents and killed them so I tracked him down and brought him to you. He was James O'Connor's father. That could be who is after you. They may want to kill or hurt you because you killed someone important to them," he states.

"What if you're wrong?" I ask.

"Then I am wrong but there's nothing more fun then destroying a mafia," he replies before letting a sinister smile grace his face.

"I see where she gets her creepiness from," I mutter more to myself than him.

"Well, I'd hope so! I am the more good looking parent," he comments

Nik barges in to my office again. His face is red and he's panting like he ran a marathon. He must be out of shape. Time for more training, I guess.

"You'll never guess who the voice is behind the distortion! You're definitely not going to like this one bit."

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