01. Blue

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A/N: A request from JessicaMGarcia4! I hope that my readers will still continue to enjoy my stories, much love! Stay healthy, and stay safe!

"[name], wake up already. You're going be late on your first day of school," Haizaki spoke out as he started to shake [name], trying to get his younger sister to wake up. He then chuckled as he shook his head then for his sister finally moved in her position and sat up. He lightly patted her on the head and proceeded to leave her room.

"Breakfast is ready as well," he spoke out, and [name] hummed in response. She swung her feet off the bed, allowing her bare feet to touch the cold floor. She shivered a little upon the contact but soon yawned as she stood up, getting used to the cold.

Looking into the mirror, she noticed how messy her hair was, and could only shrug her shoulders then as she proceeded to gather her bathing supplies and left her room, heading to the bathroom that was located in between her room and Haizaki's.

"Don't shower too cold, you might catch a cold," Haizaki called out from the living room, and [name] hummed in response then. Entering the bathroom as she turned on the shower, adjusting the cold and hot knobs so that she could get the perfect temperature she desired.

Haizaki could only sigh as he sat in the dining room, looking through his social media as he sipped on his cup of coffee. Being a third-year student sure did have its toll on him, although he was able to work towards his goals, the insufficient sleep he has been receiving was making him feel sick.

He could hear the sound of the hairdryer blowing as [name] had finished showering and was blowing dry her hair. Humming a tune to himself as he started to collect his books that were sprawled out on the dining table, and placed it in his bag, looking up just in time as [name] walked out from the hallway then.

"Good morning, nii-san," she said with a smile and Haizaki smiled in response as he gently helped her to shift her bangs slightly. She then sat down opposite of him as she took a good look at the food which he had prepared for her.

"There isn't much since we didn't go to the supermarket yesterday. Let's go after I'm done with work?" Haizaki asked as he set down his phone after dropping a text off to his fellow friends who had texted him early in the morning.

"Okay, nii-san," she said with a smile as she started to eat the simple breakfast prepared by her older brother then. Haizaki then smiled as he watched [name] taking little bites out of her food, and eventually, she finished it.

"It's going to be raining heavily today, did you bring a jacket?" Haizaki asked, and [name] hummed in response as she was busy putting on her jacket as well. Haizaki then chuckled and soon watched as [name] wore her shoes, and he gently patted her on the head once more.

"Let's go, don't want you to be late on your first day of High School," he said with a smile, and [name] nodded her head in response then. With an umbrella opened, Haizaki then sheltered himself and [name] as they walked through the slightly drizzling weather, and down the path that led to where the school was.

Upon reaching the school, Haizaki chuckled when [name] had on a slight pout. Realizing that she was about an hour early at school. She sighed just as Haizaki was bringing her around the school then, only to stop when she noticed the rain was getting much heavier.

"[name], wait for me here. I need to go and drop something off at the office," Haizaki spoke out and [name] hummed in response. Her dark blue ocean eyes then looked out of the glass door where it led to the gates of the school, only to have herself wondering.

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