08. Courage

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"You can't tell? Not at all?" Zenitsu asked with an irritated mark on his forehead as he looked at Yushiro who was busy reading his book

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"You can't tell? Not at all?" Zenitsu asked with an irritated mark on his forehead as he looked at Yushiro who was busy reading his book. Yushiro then looked up from his book with a scowl on his face and Zenitsu whimpered in fear as he hid behind Tanjiro then who could only chuckle at the way Zenitsu was acting.

"What do you mean I can't tell?" Yushiro asked with a raised eyebrow, and Tanjiro chuckled once more as Inosuke was busy stuffing himself with the bento that his mother had made for him.

"It is clear that both of you do like each other!" Zenitsu snapped, and Yushiro raised an eyebrow in response.

"You do like [name], don't you?" Tanjiro asked, and Kanao smiled as she watched Yushiro's face turning bright red as he kept quiet then. He then watched as Tanjiro was smiling since he was looking through the photographs that Yushiro had taken.

Something that Yushiro would only allow Tanjiro to do so.

And he could only smile in response as the photographs he had taken from the first year till now, had changed drastically. Usually, it was photographs of sceneries, places, and people he found beautiful and perfect.

But now, ever since they met [name], the photographs in Yushiro's camera were mostly filled with her smiling face, and sometimes candid shots as well.

"It is obvious to us that you do like [name], and we support you of it," Tanjiro said with a smile as he looked at the very first photo which Yushiro had taken of [name], and showed it to Kanao whose eyes widened then.

"She's really beautiful," she spoke out, and Tanjiro chuckled.

"You're beautiful too, don't forget that,"


"Where am I?" [name] thought to herself as she walked down a dirt path, still dressed in her school uniform then. She followed the dirt path, and her eyes widened as she came to an entrance, and noticed many people were inside.

All wearing the same uniform.

"A school?" she thought to herself as she entered the 'school' only to watch as many were scurrying around with nichirin blades strapped against their white belts. [name] then tilts her head in confusion then, unsure of the situation.

"This doesn't seem to be my time," she mumbled to herself as she walked through the courtyard. Her dark blue ocean eyes then wandered towards the patio, and her dark blue ocean eyes then widened in response as she looked into the room that was left open.

There she noticed many figures were seated around the table, but the only figure she could see then was someone who was identical to her. She tilts her head in confusion as she looked at herself who was seated in the shade. [name] then watched as she stood up, together with a tall figure, and watched as they walked towards the edge of the patio.

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