09. Gestures

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"Have we met before?"

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"Have we met before?"

And Yushiro's lavender eyes could only widen at [name]'s question as he stood there, two steps below her as he looked up to her. Noticing the faint blush on her face and he could somehow hear the pounding of her heart against her chest. Somewhere within him clicked once more, and an overflowing of emotions was felt through his body.

He walked up, causing [name] to take a step back as he stood on the same level as [name]. Much taller than her as he bends down then. A smile plastered on his face as he gently placed a hand against her cheek and caressed it with a thumb.

"Yushiro-senpai? Why are you crying? I'm sorry if it made you sad," [name] spoke out, and Yushiro couldn't help but let the tears flow down his face as he continued to remember then.

How kind [name] was to him in his past life. How she was the first one to welcome him with open arms when they were tasked to help create drugs to kill off the demon lord in the Taisho Era, Kibutsuji Muzan. [name] then tilts her head in confusion then as she used her hand to wipe away the tears on Yushiro's face.

Her eyes then widened as Yushiro pulled her into a tight hug then. She was about to speak what was on her mind only to stop as Yushiro tightened the hug on her.

"No... Don't ask anything... Even if you don't know me, at least we can meet again, [name]," he whispered out, and [name]'s dark blue ocean eyes then widened as to what Yushiro had said. She slowly lifted her arms as she wrapped it around his waist as well, tightening her hold on him.

"You're here. It's been so long," she whispered out, and Yushiro's lavender eyes widened once more as he could only chuckle then. That faint memory of [name] running up to him back then replayed in his mind as he continued to hug the younger Akane in his arms.

"It's been a while, [name]," and [name] couldn't help but laugh a little as Yushiro withdrew from the hug and held his hand out once more. Without further hesitation, she proceeded to place her hand in his, and he intertwined their fingers together.

"Careful," he whispered out as he slowly guided her down the dark staircase that was being illuminated by the light from his phone. He could feel [name]'s hand relaxing in his hold, and he couldn't help but blush a little in response then at how much she trusted him.

"And here I thought my younger sister was kidnapped," a voice was heard and [name] turned to look towards the entrance of the school building, and Yushiro shined the light forward then. A chuckle was heard as [name] lets go of Yushiro's hand and ran up to Haizaki and engulfed him in a tight hug.

"You were awfully late, so I had to come and check on you," he spoke out, and [name] hummed in response then as Haizaki patted him on the head. He then looked up to Yushiro who had on a faint blush, and Haizaki couldn't help but chuckle a little once more. He then motioned for Yushiro to come over, and his junior did so.

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