07. Flawless

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"It finally stopped raining," Haizaki commented as he and [name] were walking towards the train station together with a few members of the performance club which includes Tengen, Kyojuro, and Yoriichi

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"It finally stopped raining," Haizaki commented as he and [name] were walking towards the train station together with a few members of the performance club which includes Tengen, Kyojuro, and Yoriichi.

"Yeah, but now it's going to be so humid," Tengen muttered out as he was starting to perspire a little along with Kyojuro and Yoriichi as well. [name] then shrugged her shoulders in response as she proceeded to tie her long brown hair up into a messy bun instead.

"Where are we going?" [name] asked, a little confused as Haizaki had just randomly dragged her out of her classroom in the middle of a lesson from Hotaru, gaining an irritated scowl on the hot-tempered homeroom teacher of hers.

"Oh, right. I forgot to tell you that the rehearsals we did for the past few training times were for this upcoming competition that we're heading over to right now," Haizaki explained, and [name] stopped in her tracks as she looked at Haizaki then, tugging him on the arm.

"What do you mean you forgot to tell me? How could you forgot to tell me something important like this?!" she snapped, and Tengen motioned for Yoriichi and Kyojuro to walked away then, leaving Haizaki having to deal with [name]'s rampage.

"I really did let it slip off my mind. I mean, we're always together. It's natural for me to think that you will know things," Haizaki commented, and he realized he had said the wrong thing then.

"First the buddy system, then now this. What's next? Your wedding you're not going to invite me? Sure!" she snapped as she took her bag and slapped Haizaki with it and proceeded to walk and find Yoriichi and the others. Haizaki then sighed as he added another load to the bag he was carrying.

"They say younger sisters are a blessing, but they never speak about how devilish they could be," he muttered to himself as he sighed and ran up to where his younger sister was, still with the slight pout on her face.

"Don't think that you can go around throwing tantrum at me when I know about you failing your first History test," Haizaki spoke out with a slight smirk as he noticed [name] tensing up then. She then sighed as she scratched the side of her cheek and soon linked arms with Haizaki.


Yushiro sighed as he was forced to accompany Tanjiro and the others from the first-years all the way till the third-year to head over to a Dance School that was holding a competition for the High Schools in the district. He was then told by Obanai to bring his camera along as well, and him being the leader of the photography club, Yushiro had no choice but to listen as well.

A huge group of Kimetsu Students was seen walking towards the Dance School where they had to take a train to. And honestly, they had skipped the rest of the school day just to watch and support their friends who were participating in the competition.

And Yushiro somehow could feel his face getting redder as he thought about [name]. He then smiled as he switched on his camera and looked through the images he had taken, and he noticed that he had taken lots of photographs of [name], instead of completing the task.

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