06. Mystery

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"That's so sweet of you, Yushiro-kun," and Yushiro could only watch as the girl with the bandage around her eyes drifting off to sleep. He then looked at his hand and noticed he was holding onto a syringe then, and watched as her breathing steadied.

Yushiro woke up to a start, as he panted a little. A little too confused about what was going on his dreams then. All he had been dreaming, was just that scene, and that same voice he has been hearing in the dream.

Nothing else happened, just that scene.

He sighed as he sat up, and noticed how dark it was then. He then drew the curtains back and noticed that it was still early in the morning. He then grabbed hold of his phone and sighed when he saw Tanjiro's message.

"It's 6 in the morning, what does he want?" Yushiro muttered to himself, and Yushiro opened the text message Tanjiro had sent, and he sighed in frustration once more as he flipped the covers off from himself and dropped his phone on the bed and proceeded to wash up.

"Stupid brat, being the oldest sure does have it's pros and cons," Yushiro muttered out.


[name] tilts her head slightly as she noticed that Haizaki has yet to come and call her to wake up for school. She then flipped the covers aside from her body and proceeded to walk out of her room. Shivering a little and she stood in front of his door, only to hear him grunting a little in response. [name] then knocked on the door a few times, before slowly opening it.

Always best to knock first, just in case.

She entered his room and reached over to the side, switching the lights on. She then squinted her eyes slightly due to the sudden brightness in his room, and she noticed he was sitting up on his bed, with his body bend over as he rested his forearms against his thighs.

[name] then walked over slowly to him and used her hand, going under his bangs and placing it on his forehead. She then sighed as she tilts his head up, and he groaned a little more in response then, due to the major headache he was having.

"So much of claiming never to be sick, nii-san," she said with a smile, and Haizaki let out a soft chuckle as he didn't have much of energy to retort to his younger sister. [name] then pushed Haizaki down and made him lay in bed.

"You're lucky today is the last day of the school week," [name] commented, and Haizaki sighed once more.

"Careful... The sun hasn't risen yet..." he mumbled out and [name] hummed in response, clearly understanding why Haizaki was a concern for her. Since it would be quite dark in their apartment and she couldn't see well in the dark due to her slight night blindness.

She then left his room and used the walls in the short hallway of their apartment to guide her through, and she eventually found the light switch, and switched on the lights. She then sighed and proceeded to walk towards the kitchen and switched on the lights as well, since it was much easier for her to see currently.

She then rummaged through the fridge and got out some ingredients, and she could hear Haizaki shuffling his feet through the hallway, being the stubborn older brother he had always been since young.

She then watched as he plopped himself down on the sofa where she could see from the kitchen and she sighed, shaking her head as she started to prepare the ingredients for his food, since he needed to have some food in his stomach before taking medications.

"Do you need me to collect anything from Himejima-sensei?" [name] asked, and Haizaki groaned in response then as he tried to remember if he needed to get anything from school, and then he sighed.

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