02. Blinding

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[name] looked utterly confused as she stood outside her classroom. She watched as many had gathered at the huge windows that could allow those who were in the corridor, to have a look inside the classroom. She tilts her head in confusion as she slid open the back door and entered it.

[name] then stopped as she realized that a female senior was going up to her older brother, and [name] raised an eyebrow in response then as she took her seat, which was beside Nezuko. That's when she realized Nezuko and her brother, along with his friends were in the classroom as well.

"Ah, nii-san! This is [name], she is Akane-senpai's younger sister," Nezuko introduced and [name] smiled in response as she gently placed the jelly onto the table and looked at Nezuko's friends. That's when she realized, Yushiro was seated right in front of her then.

[name] then placed her elbows onto her table and rested her head on the palm of her hands that were placed together in a 'V' shape. She smiled as her dark blue ocean eyes then wandered towards what was going on with her older brother then.

"Akane-senpai, I made this for you," the senior spoke out with a deep blush on her face, and [name] raised an eyebrow as she looked at what the girl had made for her older brother then. She then blinked in confusion, for this was the first time she gets to see how he had acted around the girls who tried to confess to him.

She watched as a soft smile appeared on her brother's face, yet she could feel the atmosphere around her brother was rather dangerous. She bit her lips then as her brother took a look at the sweet treat that was presented to him, and then he turned away.

"I don't like sweet stuff," he muttered out, and [name] tried her best to keep her giggle in. She then watched as the girl slowly lowered her hands and turned to walk away, and then she noticed Haizaki's large hand reached out.

"But thanks for the thought. I'll let my younger sister have it instead so that it won't go to waste," he said with a smile, and [name] could only stare in awe at how Haizaki was able to change his attitude towards the girl in such a quick manner.

[name] then watched as the girl was blushing madly and quickly turned, running away and joining her friends as they squealed together as well, comforting her for doing an amazing job in giving Haizaki the sweet treat then.

[name] then sighed and stood up from her seat, grabbing hold of her jelly as she walked over to where Haizaki was seated, waiting for her. He then chuckled and turned to look at her and pulled over a chair.

"Where's Uzui-senpai and the others?" [name] asked, and Haizaki shrugged his shoulders.

"The last I saw them, they were still fighting in the canteen trying to get their food," Haizaki commented, and [name] smiled in response then. She then noticed that Haizaki was ushering the sweet treat which his admirer had given him, and [name] shook her head in response with a smile on her face.

"You know, nii-san. If I had known how popular you were, I would have been much more careful. In case I might have offended any of your fangirls," [name] spoke out and Haizaki raised his eyebrow in response as he stopped slurping his noodles.

"Earlier on when I wanted to get some jelly for dessert, this female senior came up to me and commented how I was much chubbier than you due to me eating sweets," [name] commented, and Haizaki hummed in response.

"What did you say then?" after he had finished chewing his mouthful of soba and swallowed it down.

"I asked if her mirror at home was broken, if it was, she could take a look in the school toilet's mirror," she commented, and Haizaki burst out laughing then as he ruffled his younger sister's head then.

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