04. Buddy

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"Buddy system?" [name] mumbled out as she looked at her desk buddy which was Nezuko. Nezuko too had on a confused look as well, and Hotaru sighed in response at the commotion that was going on in his class the moment he had announced the 'buddy system'.

"Yes, settle down already. I said buddy system, not chatting system. Really, kids," Hotaru muttered out and [name] could only giggle a little in response then. She then placed her elbows on her desk and rested her head onto the palm of her hands that as placed in a 'V' shape.

"The buddy system in this academy is where you get paired with a senior. It will help to promote friendship, better support of coursework, behavioral, and social needs. Letting you get a greater sense of belonging and a more inclusive school community," Hotaru explained, and [name] sighed.

"I thought I could be your buddy," [name] mumbled out to Nezuko who too, had on a slight pout as well. Hotaru then began speaking about how he found this buddy system to be useless as one should be independent only to stop and sigh.

"If the principal wasn't an old friend of mine, I would have already bitten his head off," he muttered to himself and soon handed the forms down the rows. [name] then grabbed hold of the form from Muichiro and handed a form to Nezuko, and turned. She then noticed Genya had his head on the table and was in a slight slumber.

She then heard the sound of chalk snapping and she quickly used the form and hit Genya on the head, causing him to sit up straight as she quickly dodged the chalk that was seen flying towards her side, and it hit Genya straight in the forehead once more.

"Pay attention, Genya. If not I'll have your brother start going on a rampage with you at home," Hotaru threatened and Genya gulped in response then.

"Now, does everybody have a form? If you don't then too bad, you will need to come up and get it from me which then I will decide if you should have it since you're being very slow," Hotaru commented, and [name] sighed in response.

"Why are you sighing? Are you old?" Hotaru spoke out, and [name] blinked a few times in confusion before opening her mouth then, and the words that came out from her mouth made Hotaru burst out in laughter.

"But Haganezuka-sensei, it shows that you're the one who didn't count properly, shows you're quite old," [name] had commented, and then claps were heard coming from Hotaru himself.

"Nice, I like that," he said with a genuine smile, and [name] tilts her head in confusion.

"Anyway, you will need to find the buddy yourself. Be it second-year or third-year. But I will suggest going for second-year as the third-year will be getting pretty busy with their university entrance exam," Hotaru explained, and [name] then stared at the paper.

"By the end of today, submit it to my office," he said, and soon walked out of the classroom as the bell rang. [name] then sighed as she looked at the piece of paper.

The first person she thought of was her older brother, Akane Haizaki. But knowing that he was going to be busy with his university preparations, she couldn't risk it. After all, since young she has watched him study diligently despite how he loves to have fun and cause trouble.

"I'll ask nii-san," Nezuko spoke out, and [name] smiled.

"You're kind of lucky that your brother is in the second year," [name] spoke out and Nezuko giggled in response.

"Why not we go ask his friends? That way we can stick together as well," Nezuko suggested, and [name] nodded her head in agreement then. The younger Kamado grabbed hold of [name] by the hand and tugged her along, which then Nezuko stopped and looked at Muichiro and the others.

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