03. Perfection

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"I've been wanting to ask you, Yushiro-kun. What is that you've written in your notebook on the front page? It seems rather important to you," Tanjiro spoke out as he pointed at the first page of Yushiro's notebook for they had gathered at Tanjiro's house to have a little study gathering.

"If ever there is a time where I can meet you in a world where I'm healthy, I will be contented to love you instead," Zenitsu read it out and earned a harsh slap on the back of his head by Yushiro himself.

"Who said you could read it?!" he snapped, and Zenitsu proceeded to whine to Nezuko who was resting on Tanjiro's bed, only to laugh at the way he was acting and she gently patted him on the head.

"I don't know why I wrote it. It just came to my mind, it feels very familiar to me," Yushiro spoke to himself and Tanjiro hummed in response then as he looked at him.

"Maybe it's something you held on dearly during your past life," he answered.

"Nonsense. Reincarnation doesn't exist,"


Yushiro waited for a little awkwardly by himself at where the shoe lockers were. He was waiting for [name] to arrive at school, and knowing that Haizaki would bring her to school early, he decided to arrive early as well.

He held the flash that [name] had given him on the first day of school. He had forgotten about it and kept staring at the sleek black flask for the past few days, only to realize that he has yet to thank [name] properly. And to return her the towel and flask as well.

He had woken up earlier than usual, brewing some black tea as he had heard from Nezuko the previous night when he was at Tanjiro's house that she had heard that [name] was suffering from anemia as well.

Thinking that black tea would help [name] a lot, he even added in some red dates and a little touch of sugar so that it would suit [name]'s palate. Or so he hopes.

A/N: I had to google to check whether it was palette or palate. Then I realized that palette was used to refer to a range of colors... But the palate was so similar to the plate, I thought it was something else.

He hummed a tune to himself as a clap of thunder was heard. He could hear the loud crash of the thunder as he walked towards [name]'s classroom instead, thinking that she might arrive earlier to spend some time in the classroom then.

He slowly slid open the door, and his eyes then widened when he realized [name] was already at school. He watched as she turned and a smile plastered on her face when she realized that Yushiro had entered her classroom.

"Good morning, Yushiro-senpai," she said with a smile, and Yushiro could feel his heart pounding hard against his chest. [name] then tilts her head slightly in confusion as she looked at the way Yushiro was acting. She then watched as he came closer, and [name] motioned for him to take a seat.

"You're early," [name] said with a smile, and Yushiro hummed in response. She then noticed the flask he was holding and easily recognized it as her own. She then watched as his lavender eyes widened as he had realized [name] had noticed the flask.

He then gently placed the flask on her table and ushered it to her. [name] then smiled and lifted the flask up, only to have her eyes widened then as she realized that it was filled with something. With curiosity flowing through her mind, she proceeded to twist it open.

"I made black tea for you, added in red dates and a little bit of sugar," Yushiro explained, and [name] hummed in satisfaction as she took a careful sip of the sweet tea in her flask and sighed in content.

"This really is good," [name] hummed out with a smile, and Yushiro could only look at her from her corner of his eyes. The way she was smiling and how her face would heat up after drinking something warm.

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