Chapter 1 - PLAY

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Finally, home. You closed the door of your apartment behind you and took off your shoes. You dropped your handbag on the coffee table and slouched on the couch. You sighed deeply as you closed your eyes. Enjoying the silence.

You worked as the receptionist in a pharmaceutical company in the heart of Daegu, Korea. So naturally, sitting all day in the busy and noisy hall was tiring. Especially for a naturally shy and reserved girl like you.

You stood up and went in the kitchen to scavenge the cheesecake of the day before. Eating the generous slice standing over the kitchen counter. You thought of how to occupy your evening. What about some PUBG? It's been a while, and you've always loved this game.

"Why not" you said out loud.

Baekhyun POV

Finally, home. Baekhyun finally got home after a busy day of filming his new MV for Candy. The few weeks before a comeback are always stressful. Especially on solo projects since you can't lean on the other members.

Baekhyun sighed, his stomach rumbling as he took off his shoes. What was he going to eat? He opened his fridge, but nothing was looking good to him. He still grabbed a can of coke, which he almost downed in one gulp.

"I'll just order something" he said shrugging to himself. He picked up his phone and ordered Hawaiian pizza, his favourite.

The pizza arrived in no time as Baekhyun was browsing Instagram on his phone. He took the pizza box to the computer and turned on PUBG as he took his first bite. It was delicious, as expected.

On the lobby of the game he noticed a new "2 players team" mode. Why not? It could be fun. He joined the game.

The paired username appeared: ILikeGamzz55. "Me too" Baekhyun thought, chuckling.

The game started and Baekhyun could tell the guy playing with him was not bad. Even if they had not met anyone yet. He was pinging the good loot and his movements were sharp. Baekhyun instincts didn't wrong him, when they finally met another team the pair took them down with ease. ILikeGamzz55 warned Baekhyun of the enemy first. He then went in and made a diversion as Baekhyun circled the building to be able to shoot them in the back. In a matter of seconds, the opposing team was no more.

The rest of the game went as smoothly as this. 1st place. Just like that.

"Huh, he's kinda good" Baekhyun thought.

"Add to your friends?" The menu asked. "Yes", Baekhyun pressed.


There goes the first chapter. How was it? Tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote :D <3

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