Chapter 5 - FACE

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Almost everyday for a whole month you spoke to Junmyeon. Either calling him in the evening or even exchanging texts during the day. Each passing day you felt closer to him. And speaking to him became your nightly ritual. Your relationship with him was unique. You felt like you still had a lot to know about him. But at the same time, you felt like you've known him for years.

He was so funny, always making you laugh. But also, thoughtful, listening to you when you have a bad day at work. You knew that a singular and particular feeling was blossoming inside you. You could feel that you were falling for him... But how... You never even saw his face... Not even once, not a picture. Nothing. So how?

"Y/N are you listening to me?" asked Sunhi.

You woke up from your daydreaming with your best friend snapping her fingers at you.

"What's wrong with you lately?"

"I-I... Nothing"

"Just tell me" she says with kind eyes.

"I've been talking to this guy and...

"I KNEW IT!!!!" she interrupts, excited. You laugh.

"So, I've been talking to this guy but online... He's pretty amazing and I think... I'm starting to have feelings for him."

"OMG Y/N!! That's great! How does he look like?" she asks wearing a huge smile.

"Well... I-I don't know" you reply averting her eyes.

"Huh?" she says tilting her head.

"Well... Every time I send him a selfie he just doesn't do the same..."

"Y/N, you absolutely have to ask him a picture... You can't fall in love with a screen!" Sunhi says almost horrified.

You don't know what to think anymore... It's true that you never saw his face but... you heard his voice... and that alone was enough for you to fall for him...

Nonetheless, Sunhi was right. You took your decision tonight: you will ask him for a video chat.

Baekhyun POV

Finally Baekhyun's schedule was slowing down a little. Delight promotion was almost over, and Tirtir lipstick launch went accordingly. Plus, his relationship with Y/N was blossoming into something really sweet and reassuring. He knew that no matter how hard he worked all day he could come home to an attentive ear and a soothing smile. Every time he thought of her, he would feel a warm feeling inside.

But right after, the guilt would kick in. She was so genuine and supportive, and he was just lying to her. Lying about his job, his days even his name. Baekhyun could barely remember all of the lies his told... He was walking on thin ice and he knew it.

Those negative thoughts vanished when he saw the green dot appeared next to Y/N's profile pic.

"Hello beautiful" he typed.

"Hey" she replied right before calling. Baekhyun plugged his headset and picked up.

"Hey Junmyeon..." she started, hesitant. Baekhyun cringing at the sound of the fake name he gave her.


"I was thinking that maybe today we could do a video call..."

These two last words sent a shiver down Baekhyun's spine. He knew it was coming, she had given him countless cute pictures of herself. Of course, she was also curious of how Baekhyun looked like. The silence grew heavy.

"Jun?" Baekhyun jumped to the sound of the fake name again.

"Uh- I-I can't..." a few seconds of silence followed. Y/N sighed.

"Why?" she asked disappointed, almost sounding defeated.

"Because I don't have a webcam"

"What about the camera of your phone?" she answered right away as if she prepared for that reply.

"It's broken" Baekhyun lied again, bringing his face in his palm, clenching his teeth. She sighed again.

"Junmyeon, I don't think I want to talk today..."

"No, please Y/N" Baekhyun interrupted pleading

"No, Jun!" she said raising her voice. Baekhyun was startled. It was the first time he heard her get angry. She was always so positive, so bright. Uncomfortable silence settled again. Y/N inhaled deeply.

"Jun, I... I think I like you... a lot" she said almost whispering.

Baekhyun's heart stopped. This should have made him the happiest man on earth but instead it brought tears to his eyes. It was making him sick. Because Y/N wasn't interested in him, but only in the lies. She liked what she believed he was. And the worst part was that he was the only one to blame.

Y/N continued...

"But I can't fall in love with a screen" she said her voice shaking giving away that she was crying. And like that she hung up.


Ok thats this chapter done yeoleobun! I had fun writing it! How dou you think BBH will react? Please tell me what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote <3 thxxxxx

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