Chapter 3 - NAME

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Baekhyun POV

Baekhyun was in the midst of last preparations for the release of Delight. All day he had been running around Seoul, surviving on caffeine.

Finally, the last stopping point of the day, or rather evening as it was already 11pm. He was to discuss the next promotion campaign of the cosmetic brand TirTir which he was ambassador of. As usual the staff treated him nicely and they were very easy to work with. Baekhyun was happy to have a relaxed meeting to finish off the day.

Baekhyun arrived at his apartment exhausted but satisfied with all the work accomplished. He looked at his watch. 1am. He sighed, surely it was too late to play PUBG with ILikeGamzz55... Nonetheless he turned on the computer.

When he got on his lobby, he noticed 1 message in his inbox.

"From: ILikeGamzz55

Let's play tomorrow if you aren't busy. Good night :)"

The message was simple and sweet but Baekhyun felt a little sad that he wasn't able play today. He shrugged and turned off his computer. Browsing Instagram in his bed, the gamergirl's voice ringing in his mind he fell asleep.


Today work was especially tiring. You didn't sleep well last night, frustrated from losing repeatedly at this stupid game without a decent teammate.

Thankfully, you were only doing a half day at work today. Once noon arrived you left work and ate soup dumplings at your favorite place. After that you headed to the gym, working out all the frustration. You didn't know why you felt that way over a stupid game. But the truth is that what frustrated you the most was that you expected to play with BeagleBoy92 but he didn't show up... what if he never shows up on the game again. You shook your head to chase the thought and did 10 additional burpees.

Once home it was still the afternoon, you took the time to clean thoroughly. Your best friend also called you inviting you to the movies next weekend. You caught up with her. You ended up speaking for hours, cooking and eating over the phone.

In the evening you dismissed yourself and went online. This time you didn't know why but you were nervous... Actually, you knew, but couldn't bring yourself to accept the fact that you were actually scared that today again he would not show up.

Baekhyun POV

Finally, the green dot appeared on ILikeGamzz55's profile pic. Baekhyun hurriedly sat up his chair. He had been waiting for an hour now. He didn't even know why he kept staring at the screen for so long, but he did. He clicked on the avatar.

"Hey :D" he typed.

"Hello BeagleBoy92" she typed too. Baekhyun smiled but also felt guilty for yesterday.

"Hey, sorry for yesterday, I wasn't able to come online because of work. But I didn't forget about you :D!" he typed. He then heard the familiar sound of the tangled wires.

"Don't worry about it dude" she said. Baekhyun couldn't see her but he could hear she was smiling. He also smiled.

"But wow, what kind of work keeps you till past midnight?" she asked lightly. Baekhyun panicked... "Shit" he thought. "Think Baekhyun, think" he told himself.

"I'm a police officer. So I work nightshifts sometimes haha :p" he lied.

"Ohhh. OK! That's why you're so good at aiming" she said laughing. Baekhyun laughed with her.

"Also look what I found" he typed while plugging in his own mic.

"I found my mic" he said out loud. Speaking directly for the first time. Silence followed. Baekhyun's heart was racing. What if she recognizes his voice?

"Awesome!!" she said, excited. He laughed, relieved.

"Let's play then"

"Yes!! But you know I only notice now that I never asked your name" she asked shyly.

Baekhyun panicked again. Shit, why did he not anticipate that question, he was so stupid. His eyes brushed the room hastily and landed on a picture of all the EXO members.

"Junmyeon" he said hurriedly.

"Nice to meet you Junmyeon" she said.

"What about you?" Baekhyun asked still tense.

"I'm Y/N"

Baekhyun smiled. What a cute name he thought.

And another chapter done :D
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