Chapter 9 - RENDEZVOUS

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POV Baekhyun

This time Baekhyun knew Y/N's decision was definitive. Countless times he read the last message. Countless letters he wrote. Countless times he tried to see where it all went wrong, when the right time was to come clean.

Baekhyun felt depressed, tired, numb. The days were busy but slow moving and the nights were staring contests with the ceiling.

1 week passed, then 2, then 3. One whole month. Not even a single word. Baekhyun tried to follow Jongdae's advice to just move on. Like she was doing. But how? How could he forget about her? After what she had become to him? After how their relationship evolved?

Baekhyun threw the covers and sat on his bed. 4 am.

To Baekhyun it was love. That is what he felt. He felt love for her. And he knew she felt the same, he knew that you can't shut up a heart in love that easily. He knew she still thought of him. He scratched his head, thinking. He just had to show her that she loved him, the real him. Byun Baekhyun. And quick, before she really does forget about him.

Baekhyun was determined to take actions. He was determined to show her his true self. And then she will choose. Then he will respect the outcome, however it turns out it will be her decision. But for now, she can't choose because she doesn't know. She must know first.

Baekhyun knew exactly what to do. Right there and then he called a few people and arranged his schedule for the next day.


It's been a month since you heard his voice. You did your best to hide it but it hurt. Your evenings felt incredibly lonely and you were trying in vain to fill in the hole by going to the movies, have drinks at the bar, working late, and mindlessly browse internet till the dawn but nothing worked. You couldn't keep your mind off him. This entity without a form, without a name.

Back from your lunch break you sat on your chair behind the counter. Your colleague called you over with a large smile.

"Y/N, there's a letter for you"


"Yeah, some guy with a bucket hat left it for you" your colleague handed you the folded piece of paper.

You opened it. It was a handwritten letter; the handwriting was straight to the point and precipitated but you could read easily.

"Give me a chance to do better. I don't want you to remember me like this. Give me a chance and then I'll respect your decision whatever it may be.

Please when you get off work go to the bar down the street, I will wait for you there.

I don't want to be a stranger to the girl that I like."

It wasn't signed but you knew who it was, well... so to speak.

You didn't know what to think. You told him the company you worked for and he made the effort to come to Daegu for you. Maybe you should go to the rendezvous... Actually, you wanted to see him, you missed him. You had to know, you had to see who was the person you fell for.

You folded the paper back and put it inside your purse. It was settled you were going to meet him.



What did you think of the chapter? This is Baekhyun's last chance to finally open up. How do you think Y/N will react? Please tell me in the comments! Don't forget to vote is you enjoyed.

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