Chapter 8 - STRANGER

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Baekhyun POV

Baekhyun was with the rest of the EXO members gathered at Jongdae and his wife's house. He was happy seeing everyone and playing with the baby. He was laughing at Sehun acting like an even bigger baby when he felt his phone buzzing. His took it out and saw it was a discord message from Y/N. He swiftly escaped the happy bunch to find some peace in the kitchen.

"I found the Instagram account you were stealing the pictures from. I don't know how you look like. I don't know if there was truth in anything that you ever told me.

The only thing that I know is that I don't know you. After months of speaking to you, I realize now that I never knew you. I gave to you who I truly was. I told you about my vulnerabilities, my insecurities. I gave you who I am deep inside. I trusted you.

I am a fool for trusting a stranger with my secrets and deepest thoughts... I feel betrayed, you betrayed me, Junmyeon. If that's even your name...

I don't want to waste more time on lies and on you. I deleted you on the game and blocked you here on discord... I won't be talking to you anymore... Please don't try to contact me.

I thought I was in love with you, but turns out I was in love with a stranger all along..."

Baekhyun felt lightheaded, his legs shaking, he fell to his knees, palms flat on the cold kitchen tiles.

There, it was done. He had played and had lost. He couldn't believe the words he had just read. He couldn't believe he lost her; he wasn't going to hear his voice ever again.

"No" he said his voice shaking as he tried to regain his composure to write back.

"you can't reply in this conversation" the screen displayed.

"Nooo" Baekhyun said starring at the phone in distress tears overflowing from his eyes and crashing on his cheeks.

"Please Y/N don't leave me" he cried pleading.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Do you think y/n overreacted? What should Baekhyun do? Please tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed! ❤❤

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