Chapter 10 - PROMISE [End]

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You're very nervous as you push in the bar doors. Inside the light is dimmed, the neons have a relaxing ice blue tint. The bar is vintage and rustic but quite busy. With the workday over, it's full of coworkers and friends meeting up after a long day. You spot an empty bar stool and sit there.

The barman comes to you.

"Hi! What would you like to order?" he asked with a smile.

"Oh, actually I'm waiting for someone" his expression changed.

"Are you waiting for Junmyeon?" you were surprised and chuckled coldly at the mention of the name...

"I don't know if it's his real name but yeah..." the barman looked puzzled but was also very busy and probably didn't have time to listen to your story.

"Well he's waiting for you in the VIP booth out back" the man replied in hurry, assaulted by thirsty customers.

Your cold smile melted away as you felt your blood rush to your cheeks and the adrenaline to your muscles. You grabbed your purse with a trembling hand and advanced to the back of the bar where the barman was pointing.

The hall was dark. It also seemed really long. As you were progressing the music got further, muffled, until you could only hear the sound of your own heart pounding in your chest.

Boom boom

Boom boom

The silence surrounding you was dreadful. You approached your moist hand to the doorknob and entered the room at the end of the corridor. Your eyes immediately glanced over the room, here the lighting was different, it had pinkish tones to compliment nicely the red velour seats. The jazzy music was subtle and calming.

The room was deserted expect for one guy slouching in the corner of one of the benches. He was wearing on oversized plain white t-shirt with comfy tracksuit pants and a thick pair of Nikes. His face was concealed as he was also wearing a black bucket hat and a matching mask. He was scrolling on his phone and probably didn't hear you come in.

It had to be thought.

You stopped for a second, petrified. You even thought about turning on your feet and leaving. Your heart pounding louder, harder. Like it could have jumped out of your chest any second. You took a deep breath and shook your head to gather up your courage, taking the first step towards the mysterious man.

POV Baekhyun

Baekhyun was sitting in the room alone. The room was fairly big and he felt out of place here. To keep his mind busy, he started to browse Twitter. His hands were moist, he was anxious.

Suddenly he heard footsteps in the room, he felt his chest tightening. He looked up and there she was: Y/N.

Exactly how he imagined her. His heart was racing. He had never seen a more beautiful girl. Her hair, her face. She walked towards him with determined steps. It was fortunate that his was wearing his mask because his hanging jaw would have made him look rather stupid.

She was exactly who she said she was. He felt like he was finally meeting a friend after a longtime, like he always knew her. He felt guilt imagining how she must have felt... meeting a complete stranger...

As she got closer, he hurriedly got up, nervously wiping his hands on his thighs. He took off his hat revealing fluffy dark brown hair. His mask followed and Baekhyun flashed the most handsome, charming, but sincere smile.

"Hey!" Baekhyun said presenting his hand.


You mechanically shook his hand before even glancing at his face. But slowly you lifted your gaze to look at him. You noticed right away how he was a lot taller than you, and how broad his shoulders actually were. Then you saw his face.

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