Chapter 2 - VOICE

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This time you could not wait to get off work. Well, even more than usual. Last night you played some PUBG after quite a long time being inactive on the game. You forgot how fun and how thrilling it was. You were going to play again tonight, for sure.

The day ended finally. You said goodbye to your colleagues and left hurriedly.

When you got home you fought the easy idea of ordering food and instead cooked for yourself a delicious meal: kimchi and chicken noodles.

Once your stomach filled and the dishes put away, you headed over to your computer. On the lobby of the game you noticed you had one friend request. You clicked on it. "BeagleBoy92 wants to add you". It's the guy you won the game with yesterday. Well, he was pretty good. You clicked "OK" and immediately saw that he was online. Might as well invite him to join your game. You sent the invite.

After a few seconds, his avatar appeared on your lobby. You typed in the chat:

"Let's win again today ^^"

"Yeah, let's do this!"

He replied excitedly.

You started the game.

Baekhyun POV

The game started well. Baekhyun was able to find some good loot right from the start. Like yesterday, the team was able to take down their first opponents easily. The game was progressing smoothly. Kill. Loot. Kill again. Loot again.

After a while only 3 opposing teams were left on the map. But sadly, Baekhyun was separated and the enemies were able to kill him and ILikeGamzz55 easily in 2 vs. 1.

Baekhyun sighed in frustration. Dying 3rd sucks. But back in the lobby he was. He typed:

"I goofed and went upstairs –' I thought you were there. Sorry about that."

"Haha. Np dude! Lets try again!"

"Yeah :D" Baekhyun replied determined. He was about to press "start the game" when ILikeGamzz55 replied again:

"Actually, I think we would be better if we used mics. I think I have one laying around somewhere. Please wait for me ^^"

Baekhyun sighed, he knew his teammate was right but Baekhyun was... well, you know... famous. What if he recognizes his voice?... Baekhyun just wanted to have a nice relaxing time far from the fame.

"Sorry I don't have a mic :(" he lied.

"Np. I found mine".

Baekhyun heard the noise of the cables being untangled then a voice.

"Hello? Is this thing still working?" a girl's voice asked. Baekhyun was startled, he didn't except a girl. Most of the demographic on the game are guys so he just assumed she was too.

"Yes it works :D" Baekhyun typed.

"Alrighttttt. Then let's win this time" The voice answered. Her excitement transferred to Baekhyun and he was determined to win this time around!

And so,they did. Baekhyun was impressed. ILikeGamzz55 was skilled in her communication and strategy too. She was giving good directions and advice but also remaining calm and not screaming in the mic.

"Yessssssss" Baekhyun typed once back in the lobby.

"You were sooo good" she said. "You literally took that last kill like it was yours all along" she praised him. Baekhyun felt proud.

"Thx :)" he shyly replied in the chat.

"Let's do this again tomorrow. I have to go sleep now. Take care BaegleBoy92" she said.

"Sleep well :D" Baekhyun answered.

"ILikeGamzz55 is offline".

He drank the last sip of his coke can and turned off his computer.

"She's fun" he said out loud.


That's the end of chapter 2. Please vote and comment. I love reading them! 

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