Chapter 7 - TRUTH

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Baekhyun POV

Every evening Baekhyun and Y/N spoke for hours some nights they didn't even play. Baekhyun cherished this time with her. To him she was a breath of fresh air. She was so bright, so cheerful. Slowly but surely, he felt himself slipping and falling for her. For her laugh, her quirky sense of humor, her cute selfies with a sister's dog or bored at work. When he was working hard, dieting, barely sleeping for days, she was giving him the energy he needed.

But as much as he enjoyed talking to her, he also dreaded any question she might have asked. Because with the question would come the lie.

Lies about his day as a police officer, the other day he rescued and found the owner of a lost dog. Lies about his schedule, when he was recording early in the morning, he would say that he was on the early shift. Lies about his appearance, continuously sending this dude's selfies to her. Every time Y/N would compliment how cute he looked he would die inside a little. He was tired of lying but he felt trapped. Telling the truth was risking to lose her and he would rather keep up with the pressure of being someone he was not.


You were deep in thought in the car to Sunhi, your best friend's apartment. Why would she tell you to come over as soon as possible? When you arrived you parked your car and rushed to her doorbell. The door opened, Sunhi looked upset. She invited you in and both of you sat on her couch.

"Y/N" she sighed before continuing

"I have to show you something"

She took her phone out and handed it to you. You instantly recognized Junmyeon's face, it was an Instagram profile. You looked and your best friend, puzzled.

"Y/N, that guy isn't Junmoyen, it's a guy called Minjoon..."

You felt your grip loosen around the phone as it crashed on your lap. Your shoulders were heavy and you felt a knot form in your stomach.

"It can't be" you whispered in a strangled breath.

"I'm sorry Y/N" Sunhi said patting your back as you felt tears well up in the corner of your eyes.

You looked at the stranger's familiar face as your vision got blurry. How could he have lied to you. Who were you talking to everyday for months now? Who were you sharing your deepest thoughts and secrets with?

"Who are you?" you whispered to the happy face staring at you through the screen. 

That's it guys! What do you think. Y/n keeps getting hurt and BBH just doesn't know how to stop!!! What do you think? Tell me!

Please don't forget to vote :D

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