Chapter 6 - FAKE

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The next morning you wake up with puffy eyes and an unrested mind. As you turn off your alarm on your phone you see a text from Junmyeon.

"Good morning Y/N. I hope you slept well. I missed talking to you yesterday. Let's talk tonight :3"

You sigh. You don't feel like replying. You get up and get ready for the day.

The following days feel slow. You go to work, sit all day in the hall, answer the phone, take messages, and update the schedules, go home, eat tasteless food and go to sleep.

A week passes and every day you receive good morning and goodnight texts from Junmyeon. They are all very sweet and that's exactly why they are painful. You know Junmyeon has a wonderful personality, you even fell in love with his mind, you were realizing it now. But you were also sure that he was not who he said he was...

The scariest part was that you had no idea where stopped the lie and where began the truth...

You shook your head trying to suppress this thought and your tears and turned off the light to go to sleep.

Baekhyun POV

This past week Baekhyun has felt worn out. He days were calmer, but his mind was busier. The first two days he checked his phone manically every few minutes but after a while he stopped hoping.

He checked his phone without much faith once again while in the elevator to Chanyeol's studio. But nothing. No surprise here.

Baekhyun knocked on the door and his tall friend answered with a big smile on his face. They hugged and he invited Baekhyun in.

The conversation went on but Baekhyun was only half there. Chanyeol eventually picked up that something was off about him.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" he asked confused.

"Huh? Nothing. Don't worry" Baekhyun tried to put on a fake smile but failed miserably. Chanyeol frowned.

"Ok. I know the face you make when you don't want to talk about your problems but... You know I'm there for you, right?" he said padding Baekhyun's back.

"Yeah I know. Thanks." Baekhyun gave Chanyeol a sad smile.

"I don't know if the thing that's bringing you down is in your control or not but if it is, you should do everything that is in your power to switch it around. Do whatever you gotta do to get the thing that you want." Chanyeol said clumsily, trying to inspire his friend.

Baekhyun's face changed. His smile was sincere and his eyes sparkling. What he wanted was to speak to Y/N again and what he had to do was to show his face! He knew exactly what to do.

"You know what? You're right Yoda!" Baekhyun said teasingly.

"I am?" Chanyeol replied confused. Both of them then laughed.

That very same day, Baekhyun got home and searched online for some random photos of a random guy. After browsing for a few minutes, he found the perfect ones. A whole Instagram page full of selfies of the same guy.

He downloaded one and sent it to Y/N.

"I'm sorry I didn't send one sooner... I guess I am shy..." he typed simply.

The response was unexpected and immediate. Y/N was calling him. After a long silence he was finally going to hear her voice again. He picked up feeling a knot in his stomach. For a few seconds she said nothing, but she eventually broke the silence.

"You look cute" she said. Baekhyun felt such joy that he could have cried; but instead he cleared his throat and smiled.

"T-Thank you" he stutters.

"Why did you make me wait for so long?" Y/N's voice seemed pained.

"I was just shy and afraid of what you would think of me. What if you never talked to me again once you saw my face? I was scared..." Baekhyun interrupted himself. "to lose you" he wanted to add but didn't.

"I understand. I will wait till you're more comfortable to do video chat and other things..." she said kindly before continuing

"I like talking to you so much. I enjoy your company, at this point I don't even think I care what you look like. I just want sincerity. I love how sincere and true you are Junmyeon."

Baekhyun almost heard his own heart shatter in a thousand pieces. How was he still doing this? How was he still lying to her? He felt his throat tighten. Right there and then he wanted to come clean. He wanted to get out of the lies. He thought to himself that he would give anything to hear her say his real name. But he immediately realized he was even lying to himself because it wasn't true. He wasn't ready to sacrifice everything, since he could bring himself to tell her the truth.

"You're too deep in it now. Either you keep it going or you'll lose her for good" he silently told himself...


Was Baekhyun right to use such ruse to talk to y/n? Tell me what you think!!! Don't forget to comment and vote! Thank you so much for reading 😘❤😘❤

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