Chapter 4 - PICTURE

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You ended up playing all evening with Junmyeon. You already knew he was funny, but with his voice his humor was on another level. Sometimes you even had trouble focusing on the game because he was making you laugh so hard.

Nonetheless you still were able to win a few games. You were having so much fun, talking, getting to know him, losing track of time. You learned that he has a brother, that he lives in Seoul and that he hates cucumber (he made it clear that this was very important to him). This moment felt heavenly.

"Oh crap! It's already 1am. Junmyeon I have to go!"

"Oh ok! I should also get going" he replied.

"Good night Junmyeon"

"Before you go... we should maybe... like... exchange our discord or something. So, it's easier to meet up to play..."

"You're right! My username is the same ILikeGamzz55. Just add me" you said with a smile.

"Ok! I will. Good night Y/N"

"Good night"

You hung up the call. You slept very well that night, from being tired but mostly, from being so happy. Your head and heart full of the mysterious gamerboy's laugh.

The next morning is difficult but you were able to pull through, seeing the friend request notification from Junmyeon on your phone gave you energy. The day passes and not a single cloud on your parade. In the evening, your older sister brought take out and her cute dog over. You spent your time catching up with your sister and playing with the cute furball.

When your sister left you texted Junmyeon.

"Are you there? :3" you typed on your phone. And with that you turned on your computer and plugged in your headset.

Baekhyun POV

The day had been so busy. Baekhyun was very tired. Exhausted even but he was patiently waiting for a discord message of Y/N. His phone buzzed.

"Are you there? :3" he read out loud, a large smile spreading on his face.

"Yup :3" he typed on his phone as he was launching discord on his computer.

"ILikeGamzz55 is calling you" the screen displayed Baekhyun pressed "answer" right away.

"Hi!" Y/N said excitedly. Her enthusiasm made Baekhyun's smile even brighter.

"Heyyy! How was your day today?" Baekhyun asked.

"Oh! It went smoothly! Work was peaceful for once and Jihwoo came over with her dog to have dinner with me"

"Oh, your sister? Can I see the dog do you have a picture?" Baekhyun asked eagerly, he loved dogs so much and would just take any chance to see a cute one.

"Oh yeah, sure, lemme look on my phone". Seconds later the familiar notification sound played and Baekhyun looked at his screen. What he saw took him by surprise. Sure, the cute Jack Russell was there but... Also, a cute girl...

"Oh, is that you?" Baekhyun asked surprised.

"Hehe... Y-Yeah..." Y/N replied shyly.

She was beautiful he thought. He leaned closer to the screen. Her expression looked so happy, wearing cute, natural and girly makeup. Beautiful pink lips, long eyelashes. He was so surprised and caught up looking the details of her face that he didn't even notice the pressuring silence and the way his lips spoke on their own.

"Pretty" he said, almost whispering, being hypnotized by the happy eyes that were staring back at him on the screen.


Fidgeting with your fingers you were anxiously waiting for a response. "What was I thinking?" you silently asked yourself, bringing your face in the palm of your hands. Suddenly you heard the awaited reply.


It was subtle, but you were certain of what you heard. Still, you couldn't believe it.

"What?" you asked.

"You're really pretty" Junmyeon said slowly. You felt your heart race and your blood rush to your cheeks.

"Thanks" you said simply.

The atmosphere was getting heavy and you felt extremely embarrassed, so you diverted the conversation on Nala, your sister's dog. From that the atmosphere got less and less tense, you were relieved.

"Yeah, your sister's dog is adorable" Junmyeon said.

"Her name is Nala. She's really sweet"

Out of nowhere Junmyeon starts humming a song. It sounds familiar but you can't remember exactly where you heard of it...

"Oh what's that song?"

"It's Justin Bieber's Yummy. I don't know the lyrics well"

"Sing again please" you asked.

Junmyeon then sang a little bit. His voice was beautiful, you didn't know anything about music, but you could tell he could sing really well.

"You know what Junmyeon? You have a beautiful voice!"

"Oh really?" he said bashfully, maybe even embarrassed.

"Yes! You could have been a singer instead of a police officer!"

Junmyeon replied with an awkward laugh.

"Yeah maybe..."


Here's to another lie of BBH. what do you think ? Please tell me! Vote and comment thank youuuu <3

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