*Chapter 10* Him Again

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I would like to point out that this book has (Slow Posting) on it. I love that you all like this book but I've been getting so many pms to update this and when I say " yes! I love this book and writing but updating will take awhile because I'm very busy " please respect that.

I've had some people even respond saying " but its quarantine, you shouldn't be busy "

Like dude. No. I have a life too and this book is definitely a big part of it. I also get writers block quite often so...

But I love all the nice comments you all have been leaving!! It really makes my day, so thank you so much!

Anyhoe let's get onto the story.


We haven't seen or heard of the great lions of voltron in awhile.

Usually you hear great tales of these warriors and how they saved people from passersbys, but there's been nothing. Almost as if no one has seen them, but come on? They save peoples lives everyday. Someone had to have seen them then.

Still, I'm just glad they haven't reached this planet yet.

The food was starting to get low and less and less people have been visiting.

Right now Narti and I are trying to shop for what ever food that was left in the strip.

"What do you think, Bananas or what ever this pink looking fruit is?" Pulling up the two I showed her.

I smelled the pink mystery fruit and almost gagged. "Nevermind. Were getting the bananas."

After paying the shop owner for half a dozen bananas we continue down the shops. Mainly getting food we also got some supplies like, wood, cloth, and silver.

Once again I was asking Narti between two things.

"This one or this one?" I asked her showing the two different earrings.

One was a silver Cresent moon and the other was a golden star.

She pointed to the moon.

"Good choice." I nodded my head, paying the shop owner.

I put it in my bag before turning back to Narti. If you knew her well you could tell what she was feeling by her body language since, well, she doesn't really show emotion.

But I knew her well and right now, her body says we need to get out of here now.

She grabbed my arm running back up the strip.

"Whats going on?" I ask her easily keeping pace. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her cat running across  the building tops.

She continued running without answering only to pull us into an alley and press us against the wall.

"Nar-" she cut me off with a hand over my mouth then held one finger to her lips to signal me to be quite.

And that I did.

Only moments later I heard pounding footsteps. They only got louder as they grew closer.

"I swear I saw her!" That voice sounded familiar.

"Come on pidge. You must need your glasses checked." Lance?

"Oh shut up Lance. I really did think I saw her." Pidge. Disappointment laced her voice.

"Whatever you saw doesn't really matter right now, let's get back to the others." Lance told her before the footsteps faded away.

I looked to Narti with wide eyes before we took off.

Her Smile~Shiro x Reader (Slow Posting)Where stories live. Discover now