My first entry

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Hello diary?? Is this how you would start a diary? I'm a little bit confused by this process.... These past days have been odd, everytime I talk to someone they treat me as if I am a burden, it is very hard to make friends. I suppose there are a few people I talk to.

   I am friends with Saihara, he is fairly nice to me but always seems to be busy with his other friends, it's unfortunate. Then there is Iruma, she likes to "fix" me although I don't feel like I need the parts she has given me. It is a bit embarrassing to say what updates she's given me so I refuse to. And then there's Ouma, Ouma. Ouma. Ouma. I cannot tell you how confused this purple haired boy makes me. He likes to get on my nerves and ask all sorts of meaningless things.

  I have not interacted with people in a while so I think I should. My choices are either Iruma or Ouma and I'm not sure who I should communicate with.

Goodbye for today,


(186 words)

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