Eventful diary entry

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Hello diary, as you know yesterday was disorderly. But today somehow managed to be about the same level. I hadn't seen Ouma in a while, so I suppose he thought this would be the best time to bother me. While everybody was gone. Iruma had once again finished installing and "updating" my system and, there he was once again. I am tired of him. Why is he so confusing? "Hi Kiiboy, are we still letting that skank fix you up??" Before I could answer he began speaking again.

"HmmMmm Kiiboy? Tell me everything!" I finally managed to speak "I don't understand what you're doing. Are you jealous Ouma? And I've told you to stop calling me that!" Why does he have to call me that? I am always polite with him, addressing him only by his last name. It's because he is a robophobe. He did his signature "Nishishishi" but then began speaking quietly, he got a lot closer, causing me to cautiously step back.

"Maybe I am Kiibo, maybe I'm not. I guess you'll never know." If his random use of my actual name didn't catch he off guard enough, he proceeded to ask me a question that made my heart race. (Well, if I had a heart. It still gave me the same nervousness any human would have felt.) "Besides that, what's with the book you've been writing in?" I paused and choose to yell "That is personal, and none of your business!"

He formed an obviously fake pouty face, he looked like an innocent puppy. How can his facial expression change from a cocky smirk, full of confidence, to such a pathetic puppy face? Why does he do this? Why does he care what I'm up to? "Awww man! I really wanted to know more about you." A malicious smile crept onto his face. "I guess that's just too bad... Bye Kiiboy!"

Leaving me speechless, as usual, but I now have to be more careful writing in this around him, I don't want him to find this. I haven't really written anything bad but it is still important. And did he admit to being jealous? Why would he be jealous. Is he jealous of me or Iruma? I guess I'll never know. That boy has a strange way of making me want to know more about him. Who is he really?

Goodbye Diary,


(397 words! That's like, the most yet!)

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