Spicy diary entry

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(Okay before this chapter starts I just wanted to say this is obviously going to be a chapter with sexual themes and that it is taking everything in me to write this which is odd because I have literally been reading smut for like years? 😳 I am just baby let me live ok bye)

Hello diary,
I'm back to report what happened that  night. The night I fell right into Ouma's trap and wasn't irritated about it at all.

"Well you want it back right? You should come here then, take it back then." I didn't really care about my hoodie at that moment, I just really wanted to get closer to Ouma. I hesitantly slid onto his bed and stared into the smaller boys eyes, the deeper I looked into them the more I learned about the purple haired boy in front of me. He seemed scared, which I had never noticed before, he had always had this look in his eyes but something made them look different from before, they looked almost hungry, lustful maybe? It didn't matter. Nothing mattered right now.

My eyes wandered from the boy's eyes to his chest, I slid my hand under the hoodie I then heard Ouma speak "Kiibo? Are you-" "Yes" I spoke confidently and slowly moved up to his nipples, rubbing one of them looking into Ouma's eyes, hoping for a reaction. He had gasped quietly and at first looked embarrassed but moments later I seen satisfaction creep onto his face.

He let out a moan and I felt myself smiling, wanted to hear more from the purple haired boy as I continued rubbing his nipple and began to suck on the other. Loud moans escaped the small boy's mouth as he covered it with his hand in an attempt to quiet the noise. He slightly propped himself and stuttered out "Ki- Kiibo" he again began trying to speak through his pants and moans "Stop- for a se- second" I stopped and looked up at him for a short moment, he then grabbed my hand and directed it to his "problem area" and I knew what to do from there.

My hands slowly went up and down on the boy's manhood, he swung his head back and released loud moans and spoke "f-faster" I accepted his requests, picking up the pace and continuing to pump my hand up and down Ouma's special area. He then yelled "I'm- almost there-" and I replied with nothing continuing until his warm (omg I can't write this you already know what happened)

He then placed his head on my chest, with a look of exhaust on his face he says "You know, I never thought a robot could make me feel so good Kiiboy" he then closed his eyes and fell asleep. Leaving me to think about what just happened, and how different Ouma was acting, and what is going to happen in the morning.

I guess I eventually fell asleep, and when I woke up, Ouma wasn't in his room anymore.

That's everything that had happened that night.
Goodbye diary,

(520 words)

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