Chapter 4 Glass Divider

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I slowly open my eyes, my body cushioned by my soft bed. When my head begins to throb like it was hit with a hammer that cracked open my skull. I peel out of my bed and clumsily land on the floor, staggering and almost falling over. Gravity pushes down on me causing my stomach to turn and roll.

I slump all the way to the kitchen, miserable with every step. Getting out a cup, I fill it with water and drink the glass. When I'm done, I only get a slight relief in my gut and my head continues to throb.

"Ah..." a masculine voice groans. I turn to peer through the wide-open space from the kitchen to the living room. On the couch, a dark figure stands up, stretches and turns towards me.

I smirk, thinking its Matt. "You're probably going to have back pain, falling asleep on a couch isn't the best thing." I giggle.

"Oh, you're up." His Voice... the voice echoes in my head as the tall lamp next to the couch turns on, reflecting its light right into his crystal blue eyes.

My eyes become flying saucers and I jolt back into the counter. The corner hits my spine and the vibration travels up my spinal cord to my brain causing it to rattle. The throbbing in my head grows so immense almost like its swollen up as a balloon would. I squeeze my eyes shut and grab my forehead trying to contain the pain, while my other hand holds tightly onto the counter making sure I won't fall over. "Kyle? You spent the night?" I ask completely baffled.

"Oh, are you okay?" His voice sounds alarmed as his footsteps tap quickly to my side; his body radiates its warmth on me as his hands cup my upper arms.

"Yeah...I'm fine." I open my eyes with his face only an inch away from mine, his eyes burning with honest sincerity. My heart pounds and my knees give in.

He catches me putting his arms around my waist. " sure you're okay?"

"Yeah I am, I swear." I grab onto the counter again for security.

"Okay, I trust you." He gives a coy smile. "And the answer to your question is yes. I drove you home last night, don't you remember?" He leans in to study my reaction and the rhythm of my heart becomes unnatural like it's dancing only for him.

"Yes, I remember you telling Megan you would drive us home." I try to fish for memories after that, but there's a blank. All I recall is warm he is.

"Yes, well when we got here, you were pretty intoxicated to say the least. You had me worried, so I watched over you." My stomach sinks from my carelessness knowing he's right as he shakes his head. "After it got late Megan told me I should stay and sleep on the couch." His forehead crinkles as his eyes continue to dissect my reaction.

"Listen I'm sorry you shouldn't have had to look after me. It was extremely irresponsible to drink that much."

"Irresponsible yes, but to look after you was no burden at all." He gives me a crooked smile and butterflies flutter aimlessly against the walls of my stomach.

"Oh..." Another wave of nausea sloshes in my gut.

"Lynnette?" He places his hand on my back as I hunch over, grabbing my unsettled stomach and jab my palm over my mouth. "What's wrong?" His voice is torn.

The wave stops and I lift my head up feeling pathetic. "The hangover is kind of killing me," I groan as my head starts to throb again.

"Oh!" Kyle's eyes open wide. "Well here, come and sit down." He walks with me to the small mahogany table like I'm an old lady without her cane. His lips curl up as he says, "I'll get you something to help." Walking over to the fridge he peers inside, searching for something. " don't have any..." His expression turns contemplative.

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