Chapter 22 Presentation Day

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Austin didn't answer my calls all week, so I'm surprised when I enter the , he is sitting in a seat waiting.

I march up to him, "Austin why didn't you answer any of my calls?!?" I demand.

He shrugs. "I had some things I needed to do this week."

His casual disregard inflames me, "You had some things you needed to do? You couldn't let me know you were okay or anything? After what I told you!?!" In the pit of my stomach I feel my aggravation growing. "Gah!" I turn away.

Austin immediately gets up and places his hand on my shoulder. I make a sharp turn ready to let him have it, but his change of expression stops me. "I'm sorry, I couldn't call this week. Believe me if I could, I would have."

I begin to open my mouth, but his fingers go over my lips to silence me.

"I promise, I will explain everything later. Though right now, we must prepare for the presentation."

Unsure, I nod.

Though we don't move right away.

His pupils dilate and his eyes become magnets to me. My heart starts to beat harder, more excited. Then I'm watching his lips, imagining his kiss, craving it. Heat rises up my body merely thinking about his lips against mine. I'm ready to forget everything else and pull him into me.

I reach up for him about to let go of all reason, but Austin is the one who backs away this time with his head down. "We should get the stuff prepared," he says and walks away from me.

The heavy breaths built up in my throat burn from being unrelieved.

I close my eyes to pull myself together. This is when I finally accept, I do have feelings for Austin and they aren't going to fade anytime soon, if they do at all.

"Hey, Lynnette!?! Are you going to help?" I turn around to Austin setting up some of the snacks on the long table.

We finished setting up in time for the first person to show up, Dr. Krouch. He shows up with his normal suit and bow-tie. "Miss Warren, I'm surprised with you!" I turn around to catch him walking in like he has a score to settle.

"I thought," he stops in front of me crossing his arms over his chest, "the notion of inviting me to this would have occurred to you. After all, I was the one who supplied the room for you to do this in, was I not?"

I nod, "I'm sorry, I didn't think you would want to come."

"Well, I would have preferred an invite from you over one from Mr. Manks." He makes a disgruntled look about the encounter.

"Dr. Krouch! You came!" Mr. Manks steps through the door with open arms and an enthusiastic expression.

"Speak of the Devil." Dr. Krouch rolls his eyes and steps over to the side to avoid Mr. Manks as he heads towards us.

"I'm expecting grand things from this presentation, Miss. Warren and Mr. Collins tell me will the members of the group me joining us?" He clasps his hands together.

Austin answers first, "We gave them all the option to attend and we asked them to bring the person they consider their support with them."

"Excellent," he gleams. "And you remembered to make sure the Psychologist, Joy Christings is coming right?"

"Yes, she will be here." I answer.

"Splendid." He smiles and then walks off towards Dr. Krouch, who seems to try to ignore him as he speaks on to him.

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