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(Y/N) was separated with Bruce. She lays on the ground unconscious, until she felt someone shake her.

"Y/N, wake up. We need to kill the grape, come on, get up!" says Tony. He turns to Cap. "Come on, buddy. Wake up. That's my man." He hand Cap's shield. "You lose this again, I'm keeping it"

"What happened?" Steve asks.

"You messed with time. It tends to mess back. You'll see." replied Tony.

(Y/N) helps Steve on his feet. They walk up to join Thor, who has been observing Thanos (2014) from a distance.

"What's he been doing?" asked (y/n).

"Absolutely nothing." Thor replied.

"Where are the stones?" Steve questions.

"Somewhere under all this. All I know is he doesn't have them." Tony grunts.

"So we keep it that way." Steve says.

"You know it's a trap, right?" (Y/N) looks at them, as blood drips down her forehead.

"Yeah. And I don't much care." Tony answers.

"Good. Just as long we are all in agreement." Thor's Thunder cracks as Thor stretches out both hands to summon both Stormbreaker and Mjolnir. His casual clothes transform into his armour and cape, with his beard getting some braid treatment. "Let's kill him properly this time."

the Four Of them walk over to confront Thanos face to face.

"You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive." Thanos continues to speak. "But you've shown me that's impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist."

"Yep. We're all kinds of stubborn." Tony wiggles his eyebrows.

"I'm thankful. Because now, I know what I must do." Thanos stands up. "I will shred this universe down to its last atom."

Thanos puts on his helmet. "And then– With the stones you've collected for me, create a new one. Teeming with life, but knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given."

Thor lights himself up, as (y/n)'s eyes turn blue and her hands turn icy blue.

"...A grateful universe." continued Thanos.

"Born out of blood." Steve spits.

"They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them." Thanos finished.

The fighting starts, and Thor and Tony go straight at Thanos. (Y/N) flies up her hands glowing bright blue and freezes Thanos' feet and punched him on the face.

She gestures her hands up and a snow storm cane hurling towards Thanos. He grunts since he cannot see, he takes a boulder and throws it to (y/n), she made shield made of ice,but due to the heavy impact, the shield was easily broken and hits (y/n), she get knocked down and becomes unconscious.

"Okay, Thor. Hit me." Tony says.

Thor bangs his 2 hammers together combined with his lightning. Tony's suit sucks up the energy and he shoots it out using his hands and his body. Thanos twirls his blade really fast to divert the energy. Thor grabs Stormbreaker and uses it to bat Mjölnir to hit Thanos. Thanos uses Tony as a shield resulting in damage to his system.

"Boss, wake up!" F.R.I.D.A.Y shouts.

Steve tries to attack Thanos but is easily shielded away by the Mad Titan. Thor's attack on Thanos is blocked by his sword. Thor is beaten and choked by Thanos, as he punches him. Mjolnir is flicked away as Thanos relentlessly beats up Thor, throwing him into a tree and socking him before throwing him over rubble and socking him again. Thor tries to grab Stormbreaker but Thanos grabs it and uses it against Thor as he tries to defend himself. Mjölnir starts to float off the ground while Thanos is digging it into Thor, when suddenly Mjolnir flies into Thanos, zooms past, stops, and flies back, both look on in amazement as Steve picks up the hammer.

"I knew it!" smiled Thor.

Thanos' kicks Thor to the ground and proceed to battle Steve dual wielding both his shield and Mjolnir.

(Y/N) shakes her head and stands up she motions her hand and she froze the floor, causing Thanos to fall on his feet.

Steve proceeds to charge at Thanos swinging Mjolnir and hitting Thanos in the face knocking him down once more. Steve throws his shield and Thanos deflects, Steve throws Mjolnir to his shield creating a shockwave and knocking Thanos off his feet. Steve goes on the offensive on Thanos, throwing his shield first at Thanos and quickly hitting it back at him again with Mjolnir. He lines his arm back up and underarms a channel of lightning on Thanos.

Thanos eventually gets the upper hand, he removes his helmet, stabs Steve on the leg and knocks Mjolnir (2013) out of his hand. Thanos proceed to destroy Steve's shield with his double-bladed sword and throws him across the battlefield.

(Y/n) stood up, her eyes turning bright blue, everything around her turned into ice and another ice storm came hurling towards Thanos. She freezes her feet but he easily walked through it.

Thanos takes a broken wall and throws it to her, causing her to fall on her back as the wall was on her stomach. Steve staggeredly tries to get up.

(Y/n) uses her powers to help her get up, she threw the frozen wall to Thanos and he easily threw it aside. She flew up, right above Steve.

"In all my years of conquest– violence– slaughter– It was never personal. But I'll tell you now– what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet– I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much." Thanos says.

Thanos' entire army is summons to the ground which include the Children of Thanos, Chitauri, Sakaarans, Outriders and Chitauri Gorillas.

Upon seeing the army descending on Earth, Steve slowly gets back to his feet. With their fierce determination, steve tightens his broken shield to his arm and stands against Thanos' giant army together. Suddenly, a crackling comes in on their communicator.

"Hey, Cap, you read me?" says A familiar voice.

Steve and (y/n) stops and looks around.

"Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?" (Y/n) smiled at the voice and lets out a small breathless chuckle.

A yellow portal begins to form behind him.

"On your left." Sam says.

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