Chapter 3: The Radio-man

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A sudden burst of deep incoherent words came out of the bloodied radio transceiver, Kyle then noticed one of the surveillance cameras on the top of the electrical posts going haywire, it was rotating in circles. "I think that camera is like, sending us a signal!" Kyle explained while pointing to the high direction of the camera that was still circling uncontrollably. "Well, what does it mean?" John asked, heavily confused. Kyle, with his unaffected right leg, proceeded to stomp down on the head of the incapacitated cop lying down on the floor, then picked up the radio stuffed on his shirt's breast's pocket. "Hello?" Kyle breathed into the radio, pressing a red button that he thought would allow him to communicate through the electronic device. He was distressed, 'What if the camera had nothing to do with the--' Kyle's thoughts were interrupted as the same deep voice from earlier replied with a somewhat cheerful tone. "Ah, a quick-thinker you are, indeed! I'll explain more, but you'll need to go somewhere safer if you want to make it until the end of my explanation." As if the man's sentence triggered something horrible, a few zombies came out of one of the streets, spotting them on one of the connected roads. "We gotta go, we gotta go!" Kyle exclaimed in panic, they didn't know what they were up against, they didn't know how strong the zombies were if they had a grip on you, they didn't know if-- The group's spiraling was interrupted by the radio-man, he had access to the surveillance cameras. "Move it! If one comes any closer, your fight might attract more of them, a bit more than you can chew!" And with that, John ran, ordering them to follow him, with no other choice, they did. He went into one of the houses that was fortunately unlocked, this gave them hope that maybe they'd actually survive for a few more minutes. The group followed as well, locking the door behind them just as the zombies in pursuit smashed into the newly closed door. "Well, that was fun." Kyle fake grinned jokingly, "What? I was just tryna lift the mood." he groaned as no one replied positively, no one laughed, not even a smirk. "Hey Kyle, contact the guy on that radio thing." Arkin reminded as he sat down on a couch, trying to get comfortable despite their current situation, "It's called a handheld transceiver." Kyle corrected, he received a groan along with Arkin rolling his eyes. Kyle could only snicker from his reaction, he then brought out the radio, pressing the red button once again and whispering sentences to it. "We're inside some dude's house, do you somehow have a surveillance camera here as well? Maybe underneath the floorboards?" Kyle joked, the man on the other line simply remained silent, it took a couple of seconds before the awkward silence were broken down. "Very funny. Now, do you want to know what happened to this country of ours or do you wanna make more jokes with awful timing?" The "Radio-man", as the group named him, replied. His comment hurt Kyle a little bit. 

"Fine, what do ya have to say?"

"It's gonna be a long discussion, mostly me explaining things."

"Whatever, start talking."

"You have to be a little more nicer to me, I'm trying to save your lives with this information."

"Well then, you need to stop criticizing my jokes, it's my way to... cope with things."


"You can start talking now."                                                                                                                                             

The Radio-man kept talking, explaining how it all began, North Korea was testing some missile launching that had bio-chemicals in it, it landed in one of their country's waters, contaminating their fluids, and effectively infecting and killing those who weren't fortunate enough to own water filters. The man wanted to say more, but Kyle noticed that the man was being cut off and they couldn't hear him well any more. The radio transceiver was running out of batteries.            John went to look for some batteries and Justin went to accompany him in case of any trouble while Arkin and Kyle tried to decipher whatever message the Radio-man tried to tell them. It was unrecognizable, incoherent, the only words they made out were find me, at the radio station and west from there  arguably the most important parts. John and Justin went back from whatever rooms they went in empty handed, "No batteries, we've searched every room." Justin informed, disappointed. "It's okay, dude. We were also able to make our next plan." Arkin replied, gleeful, too gleeful. "What is it?" John asked, curious to know more.

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