My Start

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I ran downstairs to my room and it was just silent.

Why did he push me like that.....

I couldn't sleep the whole night so I knocked myself out in the morning.

~Morning time~

I wake up by talking downstairs.I do my morning routine and get ready for the day.I go downstairs to see businessmen and Taehyung in a suit.

They spot me and Taehyung speaks.

"Honey,are you hungry?."

I shake my head.

I remember what Taehyung did and I avoid eye contact.

"I see you guys are busy,um,congrats on the new job!"

I was confused by what the elder meant.

They left and Taehyung was about to go upstairs but I stopped him.

"What job are they talking about?"

"Am becoming new chairman."

I look at him confused.

"If my father died."

"He said what ever happens,he'll always give me the place.He signed it himself."

And that was the last time Taehyung and I ever talked normally.

It's been 9 months.I haven't heard from Jungkook at all.Iv'e been calling him nonstop but he never picks up.I did get a job at my parents company now Taehyungs as his assistant. Taehyung is always busy with missions and the company.He never pays me attention,I had enough of it.

I go to Taehyungs office in the house and knock.

"Come in."

I come in and hand him a packet of papers.

"I'll fill them later."

"Taehyung,these are the divorce papers."

Taehyung stopped his writing and looked up.

"Divorce papers?"


"Ok,i'll fill them as soon as possible let me finish my work."

I was so annoyed.

I go to my room and start to pack my stuff.I plan to move to Namjoons house and stay there.


I give myself a small smile and my door opens.

I turn around to see Taehyung with the same cold expression.

"The papers are already in the mail,we'll have an appointment this Tuesday so past tomorrow."

I nod and grab my things.I call some people to help and put them in the truck.The men get in the truck to start driving and I go into my car. We get there and I smile at Namjoons house.The men bring my boxes into the house and they leave after thier done.

"It's so dusty in here."

I tun on the lights and it looked the same before I left.

I clean a little bit and start to unpack.

"I'm starting a new life."

I sigh and that's how it started.

This one was way shorter but i'll see you in the next chapterr~

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