I love you pt.2❤️

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As I put the key in it opened and my my mouth dropped.

As I put the key in it opened and my my mouth dropped

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It's like as if the fire never happened....
I wanted to cry but I didn't want Taehyung to see anything.

"Wow, this guy really loves you."

"LOVED! Me."

He saw the tears about to come out.




"Yeah but I did worse and you know that Y/N-"

"You don't get it...."

"What do you mean?"

I looked to him right in his eyes while sobbing.

"Right when he was about to propose that was the moment I thought we were going to spend the eternity!! After he "passed away" he took a chance to become a mafia instead of picking the love of his life, THEN GAVE UP ON ME!!"

"He was still looking for you after two years."

"Don't you think I know that?? If I was the love of his life I never would have gave up until I found out my lover was dead. He saw you with me and he lost his hope. Then had the nerve to find someone else and get her pregnant??! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???"

At that point my laughter just turned into a nasty sob.

Taehyung pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"I promise I will never do that to you Y/n, you know I will do my best to protect you."

My head on my chest feeling his heartbeat calmed me down in away that was so relaxing.....

"I love you Y/n."

I look back at him with my teary eyes.

He noticed and he turned all red.

I wipe my tears and smile.

"You know...even though you already said it,you should say that more often, it really warms my heart."

"G-guess I will."

I chuckle and give him another hug.

"Thank you for being there for me. I love you too Mr.Kim."

"He pushed me away gently."

"Ew, I told you to stop calling me that."

I laugh again.

He smiles.

"Wellll I say this can't go to waste even if it was made by him."

"Guess you're right, even though I could have done better."

"Mmmmm what if..."

I grab his tie and look at him with list in my eyes.

"Y/n if we do it again I wouldn't stop this time."

He pulls me in a passionate way.

"You're right,never mind."

I leave from his grip and right when I was about to step foot off the room he pulls me in any shuts the door...

"Y'all already know what happened 😏"

We catch our breath once he gets off and we cuddle not wanting this never to end.

"You know it's weird doing it in my ex fiancé's burned down house in the one year anniversary we were supposed to have years ago."

He looks at me and just starts laughing like I was really that entertaining.


"Nothing you're just really observing,hot,and smart in a weird way."

I hit his chest and look up.

"Well you're just...j-just...hot."

I kiss him again.

"Damn Y/n again?"

"Helllll no. You did this time. I don't even think we could have kids-"

He interrupts me with a shocking look.

"What's wrong?"

"Y/n we didn't use protection."


He looked at me with wide eyes.

"That wasn't t-the answer I expected."

"I trust you Tae. You prove it every day. If we have a kid, I know even if your involved with all this mafia stuff you would do anything to keep us safe."

"I love how you know me so well."

He grins and kisses me.

"Do you think I would become a good father though?"

"You should answer that question with the love and support you give Shinae. You'll be fine love."

I kiss his cheek.

"Mmmmmm, you know I really don't want you to get off my arms but if I fall asleep we're staying here and-"

"I get it Tae let's get out of here, I miss our baby anyways."

I fall when I get off the bed.

"Shitttt Kim Taehyunggg."

"I told you."

I groan as I try to get up the bed and Taehyung helps me out.

Taehyung and I put our clothes back on and I had an Idea.



"You know.....this place could really make a good storage place. Or Shinae's house when he wants to rebuild it however she wants."

"Wow, you really are opened-minded."


I smile and we intertwine hands once we leave out of there.

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