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I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Untie her Jungkook."

Jungkook begins to untie me but I still can't believe my eyes.

Namjoon gives me smile that i've been missing for years.

"How are you Honey?"

I couldn't speak and silently crying while looking at him.


"Yes,it's me. Iv'e missed you."

He comes closer and hugs me tightly.

The smell of him comes back.

"I finally found you."

We broke the hug and I looked into his eyes.


"Well because I had a responsibility."

A pretty women comes from the door on my left and hugs Namjoon giving him a smile.

"Honey, Mr.Kim is coming over here."

I look at her confused then look back at him.

"W-Who's this?"

"My wife."


"Y/n,I think the best thing that happened to us was that accident. I got offered another opportunity. I got to be a Mafia with everything I wanted."

My eyes are teary.

"N-Namjoon but I-"

Someone barges in and I see Taehyung with his men in the back taking out their guns.

"Y/n lets go.I'll take care of him."

I look back at Namjoon.

"No,I-I'm not done,Namjoon. Tell me the truth."

"Honey,I told you everything,she's my wife.I couldn't have you because of your parents.Which is the reason I killed them for forcing you into marrying this loser."

"Watch what you say Namjoon."

Namjoon looks at Taehyung.

"What are you gonna do?Shoot me?"


Taehyung was about to shoot Namjoon but I blocked him by standing in front of Namjoon.

Namjoon starts laughing.

"You see,you can't shoot me."

"Y/n,get out of the way now."

"I said am not done."

I turn around to look at Namjoon.

"You left me for more money?"

He gives me a smile before speaking.

"Well,don't call it thattt, lets just say to be more powerful to kill Taehyung. You guys were married and I was happy that you got a divorce after a few months but..... You guys were going to get married anyways because of the company."

"What are you talking about."

"Ohhhh,Taehyung you didn't know? A chairman always needs a Wife,if you found a new one and divorced her too,you would have to go back to the original so Taehyung would never look bad in the company,to make sure he's not playing with any other girls."

My eyes widen.

"I was hurt and was never able to get you so I had some bad weeks but found this girl."

Namjoon buts his arms around the woman next to her and kisses her cheek and she laughs.

I didn't know how to feel.

My love for Namjoon was a waste.

"Y-You don't love me anymore?"

"Y/n,you clearly see am not giving you kisses or anythi-"

I slap him hard.

"How dare you."

I walk towards one of Taehyungs men and grab a gun from their hands.

I shoot Namjoons leg and he groans in pain.



She stayed where she was at and covered Namjoon hugging him.

My tears kept falling seeing that.

Namjoon looked at one of his men behind him and spoke.

"You,take Lisa with you and take her home where no one can find her."

Taehyung spoke after.

"If you do that i'll kill the both of you."

"And If you to that,I won't hesitate my men to kill Y/n."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and accepted.

They left struggling because of Lisa.

I cried harder and dropped to the floor crying.


"Well Y/n,hat's just how it is in the mafia world.People have to face the worst consequences even if it hurts them."

He smirks and I see it.

I stumble standing up.

"Shoot me Y/n. This is the only thing I could do for you to say sorry."

He gives me a small smile.

"Why didn't you l-leave when you s-survived from surgery?."

"A group of men surrounded me saying if I went out to go find you,they would have killed you and me."

I get it.

But am still hurt....

I hear a shot going directly at Namjoons neck.

I turn to see Jungkook with his gun out.

"That's what you get for threatening my mother and killing my Dad."

I see Jungkook giving no expression.

He falls on the floor and says something.

"Tell Lisa that I love her,and to take care of our future son."

My eyes explode of the surprise he said.

Blood then starts to spread after he smiles at the end.

I scream falling on the ground crying.


I couldn't breath.

I feel a pair of arms and it's Jungkook.

"I'm sorry Y/n,I had to."

I start crying harder on Jungkook suit and I faint in his arms.

This one is wayyyyy to short but to make it up,i'll make it up to you on the next chapter.

Bai baiiiiii~

Taehyung Forced Marrige FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now