I love you

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As I was taken to Taehyungs company I made sure I made more food for him before I got there.

I went up the elevator and went towards his office.

I knocked on his door.

"Come in."

I open the door and I see a women constantly trying to flirt with Taehyung.

"Please Mr.Kim,you should take a break from all this work."

"I think my wife already packed me some food."

She looks at me.


"Yes now,leave.I will send the other files as soon as I'm done."

She looks at me dead in the eye and buttons up her shirt. She leave bumping me on the shoulder. I put the food in my arms so it wouldn't fall.

"Don't you dare ever do that to her again,turn around and apologize,or your fired."


"Don't you make me repeat myself again."

She bows down.

"I-i'm sorry Mrs.Kim."


She gets back up in surprise.

"Your mother never taught you respect I guess,check yourself or I'll do it for you."

She runs out and I left out a small chuckle.

"I never knew you were so demanding."

"That's how I am at my job."

"Why are you here? And where is the guard?"

I come towards him and take his laptop shutting it.

I push his papers on the other side unfolding the cloth.

"I don't think you should avoid lunch."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Don't worry,I told him to wait in the car. I just thought you were hungry."

"I'm fine,just go back home."

I look into his eyes.

"I did what you asked,but I will not let someone starve to death when he's taking care of others. Who's gonna take care of you?"

"I take care of myself thank you very much."

"Tae,lets take care of each other."

I take his laptop.

"Y/n,please just give me back my computer."

"I'm sorry Mr.Kim,I guess you would have to get it from my hands."

I smile a bit and back away from his chair.

He gets up walking towards me. I get cornered with his hands in between my arms.

I slowly put the laptop on the small table next to us and my hands touch his cheeks.

"I really don't know why you're treating me so badly,but I know you have been through a lot. Our parents,and all you wanted was to get married with the love of your life,and that didn't go well."

He leans towards my lips.

"Are you sure you're not going to push me away once we get interrupted?"

He stops and looks away.

He grabs his laptop and sits back on his chair.

What would have happened if I didn't say anything?

Taehyung Forced Marrige FF (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now