Back From The Dead

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I wake up with a pain in my stomach.


I tun to see Reyna and she rushes to me.

"Are you ok??"

"Where am I Reyna?"

"A-at the hospital."


She knows how much I hate hospitals.

"Y/n,am sorry,I had no choice,you weren't waking up and you were coughing blood for some reason.I THOUGHT SOMEONE POISONED YOU?!HOW COULD YOU BE SO CARELESS?!"

Reyna was pissed,it's the first time she yelled at me.

"A-am sorry."

She sat down and her she puts her head down on the table next to me.

I pat her head smiling a little.

"Thank you for worrying about me,you're really the best friend I could ever as for Reyna."

She put her head up hugging me.I groan in pain.

"O-oh sorry."

"No I'm sorry,I should have never left you."

She blushed out of no where.

"Whats wrong with you?I didn't say anything flirty."

"I think it was kinda cool hanging out with Jimin."

"Go and take a pregnancy test right now!"

We both laugh.

"It's ok,he didn't touchhh mee."

"Exactly,only I can."

I came to her and ruffle her hair and we laugh again.

That's when her smile disappears.

"Whats wrong?"

"Y/n....What did you do to make Mr.Kim mad?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I heard that he killed all of your security and....burnt your house down."

My eyes were burning.


My home,Namjoons house,it burnt down?

That's when it all came to me.

Taehyung did all that because he misunderstood about Shinae.

My blood was boiling.

I was mad.

I was angry.



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