Finally out of the past..

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"Taehyung POV"

Before I knew it....

My life flashed before my eyes.

"Eun-ha get your your mommy the brush hm?"

"Babe! I told you to get it not Eun-ha."

I groan as I lazily grab the brush literally right next to her.

"Thank you babyyyy."

She kisses me on the cheek and I glare at her.


"You just look so fine right now I could just-"

"Taehyung you pervert. We are going to the wedding weather you like it or not!"

I whine and hug her behind while she's putting on her other earring on.I kiss her shoulder leaving trails as I go up to her neck trying to leave hickies.



"Stop it you baby, I can't believe you whine more then Eun-na.And he's only four!!"

"Difference, I'm your baby, and he's our baby baby."

"Same thing."

She chuckles as she sees my smile.

"Ok I'm done."

She grabs her purse then I put my hands in my pockets as I follow her figure.

"Eun-ha baby can you ask daddy to tie your shoes?"

He nods as he's basically waddling trying not to trip.

I giggle as I tie his shoes.

"There,let's put you in the car seat hm?"

He nods as I softly grab his hand.

We get to the car and I put him in the car seat.

"Now,who are we missing?"

"Eomma and noona?"

" we always do."

"Y/n! We're gonna be late come on!"

She comes out looking fine as always with my beautiful daughter next to her.

"Woahhhhh look at Shinae."

"Appaaa stooppp, let's go."

She blushes as she gets in the car with Eun-ha.

Y/n smiles and she looks at me.

I pull my arms out and motion her to come give me a kiss.

"Mmmmmm,you've been good so I guess you can have one."

She comes over and cups my cheek and kisses my lips passionately.


"Oh stop it,you guys are going to do it one day in your marriage."

"Eomma I'm never getting married,it's too complicated."

"Oh baby that's the same thing I said at your age."

I open the door for Y/n and she goes in winking at me.

I bite my lip right when the kids were glaring at me with a disgusting face.

I blow them kisses and they reject them .

I roll my eyes and get in the car to start driving.


We arrive at the wedding and I blow my kids kisses before I head behind the place to get prepared.

I arrive and Reyna turns around to see me.


"Awwwww I'll never do that to you wifyyyy."

I go to give her a hug.

"You look so beautiful,I'm glad you're getting marrieddddd."

We laugh.

"I don't know how Taehyung handled you and the kids at the same time."

"I don't know how Jimin is gonna handle you. God, I told him not mess with you."

"Well you should beat him up after the wedding for making me fall in love with him later hm?"

"I knowwwww, I should, he made you cheat on me."

"I don't think that's how it-"

"Ladies come on! The bride needs to get ready and so does the made of honor!"

"Okokok, Reyna see you at the alter okie?"

"Where the hell am I gonna go, of course I will, I love youuuu."

I chucked.

"I love you tooooo."

I go in the room and change while the stylists prepare my hair and my look.

Skip Timuuuuu~

"You may kiss the bride."

I drop tears when Jimin and Reyna kiss and the crowd cheers.

Jimin and Reyna bow and wave before the walk out of the alter and head to the back stage for the photo shoot.

I can see Taehyung getting to the kids at the after party.

I walk to the backstage with the other bridesmaids to take pictures.

As we were done taking pictures we all head to the after party and the crowd cheers again looking at Reyna.

Jimin comes to get her bride and I don't let her go.

I whisper in his ear.

"If I find out she's pregnant in two weeks your dead."

He winks at me and takes her anyways.

I roll my eyes and Taehyung hugs me behind.

"Mmmmmm I missed you."

"Really? You weren't up there for too long-"

"Just say that you miss me too dammit."

"I missed you too Y/n."

He giggles and kisses my lips.

I turn back around to see Reyna dancing with Jimin.

This is honestly everything I could ever ask for. God was really on my side for this one.

For once....I'm happy without living in the past....

I have never been so grateful even if people think it isn't much but this is a big deal for me. The story ends here and yes I am making another story soon.Again thank you so much for supporting my story and I hope to see you in my next story thank youuuu❤️🌹🥺

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