Season 2 Held Back

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2 weeks later

3rd person POV: Annie is still in a slight coma and will be waking up today, they still don't want to sleep upstairs so that's why they are downstairs, this is not the day after it happened it's 2 weeks after

Calebs POV: I woke up at 5 am, everyone was asleep so I put on a t shirt and sweatpants, I didn't even brush my hair. I took 20$ out of my dads wallet and went outside carefully so I pulled up the map in my phone and hopped on lyssa's motorbike and went to the McDonald's where we found Alyssa and so I ordered a small fry, a tea and a cheeseburger, with the remaining 13$ I went out to dairy king and got a pulled beef bbq sandwich for alyssa, a milkshake and burger for Hayley and a milkshake for mom, I had 3$ left so I kept it in my pocket and went to the hospital where Annie was, I walked it and I was told I had to be accompanied by an adult, me being 15 said " I. Am. The. Adult. " threating-ly and I used 4 quarters and the last 3 dollars I had in my pocket to bribe them, I was aloud to see annie for 10 minutes because of the bribe and threat combined, I went into Annies room and saw her hooked up to the machines and she had tubes in her and a reverse blood drawer to insert more blood in her, she was skinnier than normal and looked practically dead, this was worst than the last time she was in here for her bones " Annie I love you, I'm so sorry I couldn't stop you earlier and that I didn't realize you cracked your head earlier cause I know we ( Katie Hayley him and Alyssa ) could've saved you the agony if I did, I know you will be better soon and I will be there to help you every step of the way " i said, I squeezed her hand and I felt a slight tug, I got a doctor to see if she was out of a coma and the doctor said that it was normal for an unconscious or even dead person to still twitch, I argued that she was conscious, I was so rowdy and pissed that I was kicked out of the hospital, I drove to vals house and broke the news to her, I asked if I could stay there until 7:30 which is when they normally woke up ( it's 6:12 am right now ) and she and her mom said yes, I ate my food and napped, they woke me up at 7:19 am so I could get myself together and have time to ride back, I thanked them and left

Hayleys POV: I woke up at 7:28 am and heard the door shut, I looked up and saw Caleb trying to sneak and lock the door, I acted like I was asleep and he carefully laid down on the couch and purposely messed up his hair and opened his mouth wide, he put the blanket over us and acted asleep, mommy and daddy woke up and went upstairs to get ready and start the day, while they were gone I hopped up and said " Caleb I know you aren't sleeping, I just saw you sneak in " he continued to act sleep but I woke up. Alyssa, thankfully she just rubbed my head and went upstairs to use the restroom, I jumped on Caleb and shook him, he tried to keep his eyes shut so I tickled him and he started laughing and opened his eyes and started squirming around " I knew it ! " I said still tickling him " st- hahaha stop Hayley! Hahaha " I stopped and he started hyperventilating trying to catch his breath, I got him a small bottle of water and asked why he was coming home so late he said " I went to see Annie and I got everyone McDonald's and dairy king.
" well thank you but you could've just asked mommy and daddy to take you "
" she squeezed my hand hayley! " I turned my head at the presence of Alyssa walking downstairs, she looked shocked at what Caleb had just said, mommy and daddy came downstairs and said goodmorning, daddy had on a suit and left the house before breakfast, without anyone noticing him, Caleb ran over to the fridge and snuck the McDonald's and dairy king in the drawer, when asked what he was doing he said " just getting a push pop " as he pulled out a blue push pop and started eating it " don't eat too many sweets before breakfast, we are having a big breakfast because annie should be waking up today! " she said " we are having sausage, bacon, waffles, eggs, juice, oatmeal and biscuits!! " she added on and Caleb seemed genuinely excited to pig out at breakfast, Alyssa plopped down on the couch and got on her phone while I was helping mommy make breakfast and mommy said " guys, Annie won't like this but season 2 episode 1 of chicken girls is being held back because of Annies health and brookes health, Brooke is sick with the flu and it's not looking good, not fatal but not a little cough and sneeze either " " Brooke has been throwing up nonstop, she can't talk or walk, she can't sneeze anything but b*ood and she has a temperature that even the deserts heat couldn't match " she added on. We all looked at each other and then mommy got a call and when she got off of the phone she said " brooke is in the hospital and so is dylan with a broken arm, she needs to stay overnight while Brooke has to two for two weeks, Annie will not be coming home today because of her recovery process. We can go see her when she wakes up though " she said in a saddened tone of voice.

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