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Annie ~ 10  years old I Gymnast for BMG ( Best Minor Gymnasts )

You | 11 years old I Musician for  Music Justice School ( MJS )]

Hayley | 6 years old I Gymnast for MGC ( maryland gymnast competiton )

Caleb | 12 years old I Baseball Player for Childrens Minor Baseball League

Location: Maryland

Your Family and their roles:

Katie LeBlanc: Mom

Billy LeBlanc: Dad

Val Mazen: Hayley and Annies friend

Annie LeBlanc: Sister

Hayley LeBlanc: Sister

Caleb LeBlanc: Brother

Jack Davison: Cousin

Marvin Davison: Uncle

Elle Wright: Aunt

Max LeBlanc: Cousin

Brittany LeBlanc: Aunt

Rebecca Jackson: Cousin

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