It Wasnt Your Fault!

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Annie was running downstairs and tripped over one of Hayleys toys and fell on calebs laptop and broke it, Caleb walked over with a glass of water and I rolled over and made him fall and he spilled the water on Katie's computer, so two devices were broken, Caleb fell HARD and Annie hurt her knee and ankle Hayley felt horrible because as she put it " if I never put my doll up there annie wouldn't have fallen and Caleb wouldn't be hurt and mommy's computer wouldn't be wet! " Katie and I helped up Caleb and Annie and we all hugged Hayley and told her that " it wasn't your fault! " she cried a little and Caleb rubbed his arm off and Annie grabbed her mouth and fell down again, then Katie pushed us back a little and called billy " get over here! Annie hurt her ankle and knee  and they might be broken! But we don't wanna call 911 cause Caleb said they might not take her to the hospital " I heard billy said " ok, I'm on my way over right now "

BILLYS POV: I got the call and I jumped in the car and told Katie to put Annie on the phone, I spoke to annie and she said her knee was moving like jelly, I kept her talking to distract her until I got there, 23 minutes later I got there and picked her up and had Katie put a ice pack on her ankle and had Caleb hold her knee in place and we all got in the car, I pulled the seat back and let annie lay down and put her leg down flat, we drove their with Annie screaming and crying every time we bumped into a pothole, Caleb was still holding Annies knee in place and this time it was alyssa putting the ice on her ankle, we got to the hospital and then Katie dropped her by accident, when Annie started to fall on me I jerked back in reflex and she fell on her side, she screamed and was put in a wheel chair and wheeled to a room and we were instantly asked questions, we told them what happened and 2 hours went by and they said she broke a bone in her rib from us dropping her and she had a broken knee and a sprained ankle and they had to have permission to do the surgery, we gave them permission and like that...Annie was undergoing surgery.

YOUR POV: I felt horrible because if I would've seen and caught Annie at the house she wouldn't have to be in surgery but I knew Hayley felt worst than any of us, 2 more hours go by and a doctor comes out

Doctor: your daughter... she... well the um do-surgeon made a mistake and instead of removing the broken bone.. the paper said appendicitis so your daughter has had her appendix removed due to a mix up and it's been fixed so now she has no appendix and has a bone in her rib removed and is also undergoing knee surgery and ankle surgery as well, she's lost a lot of blood and isn't looking well so we will have to do a blood transplant and we need to see who's blood fits her best

So we all get tested and the only persons blood who matched is calebs and mine but Caleb can't do it ( they detected the disease and stopped it but he has a compromised immune system ) so....oh my god.... Annies life is in my hands right now " I will do it, give her my blood " billy filmed a vlog and addressed the viewers " Annies in the hospital because she fell hard on her side and has to undergo surgery and a blood transplant, keep her in your prayers, thank you " he cut the camera. Annie woke up and she had to have a recovery process.

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