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What I like about staying in this mansion is easy access to the huge two huge refrigerators. I was beyond disappointed by the foods he got the last time we went grocery shopping. Bags of chips, tons of chocolates, and instant noodles laid before my eyes. Those are not good for him. I eyed the six brown paper bags over the kitchen counter and decided to place the goods that we bought.

Pork and beans, salsa sauce, pickles, fermented carrots, and a lot of veggies. We also bought some chicken meat, beef, and pork because I am a huge meat eater. I can eat meat for a good one week straight.

That night, Annie insisted to make me food before going to sleep.

"Annie, I am fine. There's no need to make me anything. Go to sleep, and I promise... I will make a sandwich myself."

"No, you can't trick me Jessica. The last time I told you to eat, what did you get yourself? A bunch of celery? No one likes celery, sweetheart."

"No! I ate the sandwich you made me.." I blurted of their accusation.

"Let her be, Ms. Jessica."

We snapped our head to the deep voice that cut through the bickering. Will stood gracing us his awesomeness. He is sporting a striped gray and white cotton sweater and khaki pants. What is it with khaki pants? It suits him very well. The memory last night came in barging without permission and I can't help but blush.

"Let me make some for you darling," Annie suggested that I took the cue to guide him and let him sat beside me. I don't actually like the closeness of our legs brushing under the kitchen counter. Curse these bar stools that were anchored to the marbled floor, I can't even make a small distance from him.

"Yes, please."

"Are you sick, Ms. Jessica?" I snapped my head to Matilda, one of the housekeepers, as she strutted over me and put hand over my forehead.


"You're flushed but you don't have a fever. Maybe you ate something bad."

She concluded gaining a few stares from the housemaids. Will just sat there listening to our conversation.

"No, I am fine Matilda. Maybe I just need rest." I smiled at her that she instantly took a cue not to push the topic.

My feet that were once dangling were now crossed and aiming to stay it away from his that were now wide opened as if it's not affecting him.

"I'll help you, Ann—"

I was cut off when Will grabbed me by my wrist yanking me back to my seat.

"Just let her be, Jessica." He mumbled smiling. What's with the smiling?!

"Okay," I whispered reaching for the apple that was laid in front of him. I took the fork and knife in front and slowly made a slice for him to munch while waiting for Annie's sandwich.

"By the way Jessica, I want to bring you to the office tomorrow. Don't worry Ethan, Cole, and Jayson will be there, too."

Okay, to be honest I have already seen this one coming. That's why I packed some of my casual clothes just in case I have to meet his employees. Annie kept on stealing glances at us with a small smile on her lips. However, Will as usual with his emotionless face, munching the whole apple very slowly.

"Aren't you going to ask me what will you be doing there, Ms. Jessica?" a hint of mischievousness can be heard on this tone, but I was too stubborn to pay too much attention to it.

"I think, it's already given Mr. Will. I will be assisting you with your appointments. I already have seen this one coming. My work doesn't only focused on you, but some paperwork."

"Now you sound like a personal secretary. But no, just keep me company." He smirked placing the apple back on the platter and poured himself water struggling a little of the glass, but didn't spill any of it.

"HR Department and I reviewed your resume and did some personal backgrounds on you Ms. Jessica. You graduated medical technology at the University of Atlanta, moved out of your parent's house to be independent and worked as a teacher for special children." There's a slight disappointment and sadness covered his eyes but instantly replaced with the cold ones.

"That's right, Mr. Will." I casually offered him the sandwich that Annie laid in front of us and silently waved goodbye leaving us to talk. Even I, can sense the maturity of this conversation.

"And you have this long time boyfriend? Where is he now?"

My heart skipped a bit with the mention of my relationship. I am not ready to talk about this. I can feel a lodge in my throat but I mustered up and just smile for it.

"We broke up three years ago." That's all I said. I don't have to say something. The more I talk about it, the more it will be hard to forget him. Andrew.

We remained silent for a couple of minutes. The tension intensified when he turned his head to my direction and the cold peepers that once taught me to be scared to a person were replaced by pity, consideration, and understanding. I waited for him to say something and I took the opportunity to stare at him shamelessly.

This man is so unpredictable. You wouldn't know if he meant what he said, if he was joking, or he is angry. He really does know how to hide his emotions and that somehow made his strength and his weakness as well. A strength that no one will dare to open up the wall he built, and the weakness to be able to be happy. 


This chapter is quite short because I am sleepy as heck, and I have to get some sleep after working my ass off on some work-related matters. I just posted my account on facebook, and I gain 12 followers in just one hour. Thank you, guys!! :) 

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