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The doorbell rang making us stop with our conversation. This must be the pizza. I moved to the front door slowly and two boxes of pizza and a bucket of fried chicken greets me. I instantly paid the delivery man and closed the door with my foot. Cole came to the rescue and offered to help me carry the pizza.

"Have you eaten already?" I asked out of nowhere while opening the hot box of cheesy and meaty pizza. I took three glasses and retrieved the wine in my refrigerator. I just loved how wine complimented with pizzas and chickens.

I turned my direction to them and Cole is clearly embarrassed with my question. I caught him scratching his neck and a shy smile appear on his face.

"Here. Make yourself at home." I passed a saucer and a fork to Cole and made him settled on my small kitchen counter.

"Thank you," he mumbled and devoured a slice smiling at me. I laughed at how childish he is.

William is still standing by the window and closed his eyes. I was mentally battling whether to offer him to eat or should I take him to the kitchen? I slowly made my way towards him and coughed.

"I know you haven't eaten since this morning. My house my rules. You have to eat, Mr. Will." I smiled when I saw him scrunched his eyebrows. I gently held the fabric of his coat with my thumb and pointer finger and slowly dragged him to the kitchen where Cole drank wine while munching. I heaved a sigh when he doesn't complain and let me lead him to my cramped kitchen.

"Here, take a seat." He gently settled on the wooden stool and I took the cane from him placing it behind him over the countertop that divides the living room and kitchen. I placed a pizza and fried kitchen on his plate and poured him wine. Cole is smiling looking at him taking a sip of my wine.

"D'Autrefois Pinot Noir?"

I smiled that he is able to recognize the brand just by tasting it.

"Yes. I got that from my co-teachers. A birthday gift. I always loved wine and pizza. I guess it would be nice to let you taste my favorite combo."

Cole laughed munching on the fried chicken. They are both eating silently and I stared at him in awe that he sitting in my small kitchen eating pizza and chicken, like an ordinary person.

Later this day....

"He likes you."

Andy my so-called best friend that lived near my work and a childhood friend showed up the moment I told her Mr. Miller's unannounced visit.

"What?! You're kidding, right? No. No! Are you insane? What made you think he likes me?"

We are now in my living room eating Ice Cream while watching reruns of New Girl played on my television.

"No sane employer would visit his employee just to say sorry and gain your trust for the second time."

"I already told you, he came for his car keys." I huffed in annoyance for her being so melodramatic.

The way he spoke and say those words keep replaying on my mind like a broken record. He may be sincere or not, he already hurt my feelings and that would totally remind me every time I see him. The first impression lasts, right?

"We just can't make conclusions out of his actions. I barely know the guy, Andy. And a relationship is not on his agenda, okay?"

Clearly, he is one of the workaholic guys I know. Odd, that despite his lack of eyesight, he still managed to attend meetings and catch up with the things happening in his company. At the age of 30, he already owned lots of real estate and resorts in this town. I wonder who managed all of this. What saddened me is his life inside the house. Where are his friends? What particular scenario that made him act like this?

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