Too sad to cry

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I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Tw- sexual assault

Toni Pov:

As the bright morning sun shone through the trailer park Toni began to wake up. A long tired sigh escaped her lips as she rolled over in her bed. Her tanned arm reached out and she slapped her alarm off sleepily. She had a morning shift at the wyrm that day which meant she would be there until it closed as she wanted the extra money.

She slung her legs over the edge of her bed and slowly walked to the bathroom. She stripped off her clothes and climbed into the shower with a groan, the hot water patted against her skin as she lathered her hair with shampoo.
After her shower had finished she walked out of the bathroom in a towel and started to get dressed. She wore a black skirt and a long sleeved nirvana sweatshirt with some black boots.
Toni tied her hair up and applied some light makeup.

Toni walked into the kitchen and grabbed her serpent jacket from the counter, she walked over to Kate and gave her a hug goodbye "bye ma" she spoke and Kate gave her a kiss on the head. The young serpent left the trailer and made her way to work.
She arrived at the wyrm and sighed, slowly making her way over to the bar.

Hours went by and Toni looked over at the clock, she had 30 minutes until her shift ended. The wyrm didnt have many customers that day, just her usuals like Tall boy and all of FPs friends. It was a easy shift, she cleaned down the bar and grabbed her coat. "Bye FP" she smiled at the elder serpent and he nodded as she left the wyrm. The door closing behind her with a small bang.

As Toni left the wyrm she looked around uneasily, the night was never this quiet. She began to walk through the parking lot, her phone grasped tightly in her hand.
"Well well what do we have here?" A sinister voice spoke, Toni looked up and gulped. A ghoulie, she looked back down and began to walk around the taller man. Not wanting to cause a fight.

Within a second her vision started to blur and her head throbbed. She stumbled and opened her mouth to scream as a hand grasped her mouth shut. The taller man grabbed the serpent and pulled her behind the wyrm. Toni felt like her heart was being broken again, she had no energy to fight back as the ghoulie began to assault her. She was praying that somebody would appear and save her, but nobody came.

Her worst fears became reality. As the assault came to a end the ghoulie pulled his trousers back up and slung Toni on the floor. He ran into the forest completely out of view. She whimpered softly as tears sprung from her eyes, her whole body was in utter agony. She gasped quietly and slowly began to sit up, a warm liquid ran down her forehead. She bought her hand up and wiped the blood away. Her expression was blank and her legs shook uncontrollably as she stood up shakily, blood ran down her thighs uncomfortably. She felt totally numb.

Toni began to stumble back through the Southside, tears sprung from her eyes and her bottom lip trembled. She carefully crossed the main road into Sunnyside trailer park and made her way over to the Fogarty families trailer. Her fists pounded on the door and her vision blurred even more from the tears. Toni gasped for breath as the door opened. "Tiny?" Fangs spoke.

Her legs gave way and strong arms lifted her up swiftly before she could hit the harsh ground. Fangs placed her on the couch and Kate ran over to her with a wash cloth and a blanket. It took the woman seconds to realise what had happened as soon as she looked at the girls legs and noticed the trail of blood. Kate looked back at fangs with tears in her eyes and fangs mouth fell open. He understood immediately. Anger filled his body a long with severe sadness.

Toni curled up on the couch and closed her eyes tightly, Fangs walked into his room and grabbed some shorts and one of his hoodies for Toni. "Oh honey" Kate whispered to her and Toni shook her head. She lifted her arms up as Kate began to remove Toni's clothes for her. Fangs came back over and he sighed at the sight, she was truly terrified and broken and he knew that. "Its okay tiny ive got you" he whispered and lifted her up, he bought her into the bathroom and placed her down in the tub, she sunk her head into her hands and just sat there as the shower was turned on. The water engulfed her body and she sighed louder than before. Fangs moved to the side as Kate came into the bathroom and washed Toni's body down, getting rid of the filthy feeling she must of had.

The water turned off and fangs lifted Toni out of the tub, Kate dried her off gently and then left the room. Leaving fangs and Toni. The male serpent grabbed the hoodie and pulled it onto Toni's body gently, she stepped into the shorts and looked up at fangs. Her eyes were dark and she inhaled a shaky breath. "I-im sorry" she mumbled and fangs automatically pulled the girl into his arms. He hugged her tightly and she hugged him back without hesitation "Toni. You've got nothing to be sorry for" he replied as he lifted her up into his arms. She rested her head against his chest and the boy carried her into his bedroom, he placed her onto the bed and sat down next to her.

Toni looked over at fangs as he sat down next to her. She shuffled closer to him and laid her head on his chest again, a sad sigh escaped her lips as fangs placed a blanket over them. She was so exhausted. She looked down at his lap, not even aware that she started to scratch her hand harshly with her nails. Fangs immeditatly noticed and placed his hand between Toni's, blocking her hand out of harms way. "Dont Do that" he whispered at her and rubbed her wounded hand softly.

Toni nodded sadly and grasped onto fangs for support, she felt so sore. The boy placed his hand on the girls head and began to play with her hair lovingly. "I'm.. im okay" Toni whispered trying her best to put on a brave face, she heard a sigh which made her look up at the taller serpent. "Everybody needs help sometimes.. you don't need to hide away.. ill always be here Toni" he rubbed her back gently and Toni nodded. "Always?" She questioned and the boy chuckled lightly.

"Always" he repeated and Toni smiled slightly, she rested her head back on his chest and closed her eyes slowly falling asleep in his arms. She always felt safe in fangs arms, she knew he would never let her go. His arms became her home way before his trailer Did, they were comforting and warm. Something Toni would never get tired of.

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