Always and Forever

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June 8th 2017

Months had passed.

After Toni had reached 9 months pregnant her and fangs stopped going to Riverdale high, they didn't want the stress of school work and exams to cause any complications with Toni and her pregnancy. Over the months Fangs and Toni grew closer, he helped her with near enough everything, he curled her hair for her in the mornings when she was too tired to move, He cooked her breakfast and helped her put her socks on as she could no longer reach that far down. The baby was due at any point, it was shocking how big Toni's bump was for a petite girl.

The pair spent every night studying in advance, not wanting to fall behind in classes, Riverdale high had been understanding about the situation considering the fact when the whole school found out Cheryl made it her daily goal to make jokes and rude remarks about Toni but the serpents protected her the best they could at school, never letting Toni out of their sight even if she was just going to the bathroom. Betty and Jughead helped them catch up on all their assignments and delivered homework to their trailer when they had days off.
Toni soon decided to make Betty and Jughead the babies god parents. The two couldn't stop smiling when she told them, Jughead seemed even happier than Betty which they teased him about. But they had been the most supportive of Toni's pregnancy throughout it all, along with Fangs Ofcourse.

Toni and Fangs had spent their day decorating Toni's bedroom, they had painted half of the room light pink, The other half was black and still covered in Toni's vinyl records and posters. They hung fairy lights above the baby's crib along, a large stuffed elephant teddy sat in the corner of the bedroom which betty had bought for her goddaughter, Fangs had also put up a changing table and a set of drawers for the babies clothes. Toni swore he was more excited than her, he wouldn't stop going on about how much he wanted to meet the baby and hold her.

Toni watched fangs closely as he started to fold up all the baby clothes and place them away in the drawers.
"Are you going to be there for her?" Toni questioned, Fangs quickly turned around and knelt down, he cupped Toni's face and kissed her softly before pulling away. "Toni I might not be her father by blood but she will always be my daughter.. I'll always protect and love her, just like I- just like I love you" he gulped and immediately felt Toni's lips crash into his, he moved his hand onto her cheek and kissed her back passionately. The pair broke the kiss after few moments and rested their foreheads together.

"I love you.. always and forever" Toni whispered, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and moved onto his lap, a small laugh came from fangs. "You're so heavy" he muttered and Toni laughed softly as fangs one of his hands on her stomach, his face lit up and Toni scrunched her face up uncomfortably feeling a bit more pain than usual. "She's kicking!" He exclaimed, clear excitement and joy in his tone.
Toni moved her hand ontop of his and smiled a little, she nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. "She's been doing it alot recently, I think she wants to meet you". The baby kicked harder causing fangs to gasp in shock, he prodded her stomach a few times as the baby kicked his hand in response. Toni groaned slightly and chuckled as she kicked again.

"I mean I am awesome" Fangs said as he lifted Toni up and placed her next to him on the bed, she huffed loudly and snuggled up to him, her legs were wrapped around his waist like a koala. She looked up at him and placed her head on his chest. "I'm glad I've got you" she mumbled and Fangs wrapped his arms around her. "I'm glad I've got you too" he replied. A few minutes had passed and Toni let out a quiet whimper - feeling a sharp shoot of pain up her side's. Fangs gazed over at her worriedly and She cuddles further into fangs trying her best to ignore the pain. "She's just - a bit more active tonight" she whispered and Fangs nodded his head.

A few hours had passed and Toni was in the bath, Fangs was sat down next to the bath and started to wash Toni's hair, he lathered some shampoo up in his hands and then spread it through her pink locks. Toni groaned a little as she felt another pain shoot up her side. Fangs raised his eyebrows and rinsed her hair gently, after he helped her wash her body he lifted her out of the bath and wrapped her in a towel. "Thank you" she kissed his cheek softly and slowly made her way into her bedroom. She pulled on one of fangs hoodies and sat down infront of her vanity, a sharper pain filled her body. She leant forward, clenched her fists and shuddered as she felt a something drip down her legs.

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