Here comes the sun

13 0 0

16th August 2017

Fangs pov:

Fangs opened his eyes and was greeted with total silence, He looked around and noticed that toni and Alice were curled up together in his arms fast asleep.
He stretched his legs and yawned before untangling himself from the blankets that were wrapped around the three of them.
Fangs quietly walked out of the bedroom, he brushed his teeth and then made his way into the kitchen. His stomach rumbled at the smell of freshly made pancakes and bacon.
He entered the kitchen and smiled at his mother who handed him a mug of coffee. "Toni's sleeping" he whispered and sat down on the couch sleepily.

Kate turned around and smiled at her son, She motioned with the spatula she was holding to the plate of pancakes and bacon, and Fangs recognized the gesture as an order to grab a plate and tuck in to his morning meal. Fangs grabbed a fork and put two of the homemade pancakes on a plate before sticking a couple of slices of bacon on the plate.
Fangs Sat down and began to eat his meal hungrily.
Kate turned off the stove and plated up Toni a plate for when she woke up.

"What are you planning to do today" Fangs asked as his mother pulled on her serpent jacket.
She looked over at her son and smiled before speaking up. "I'm going to see FP and Alice for a bit".
Fangs face broke into a smile.
"Oh right-" his sentence was cut short as a soft cry erupted from tonis bedroom. Kate quickly walked into the bedroom, she scooped baby Alice out of Toni's arms and tucked Toni back in as the young mom drifted off back to sleep. She grabbed some wipes, a nappy some baby clothes and walked out of the bedroom. Alice continued to cry, fangs placed his plate in the sink and sat back down on the couch.
"Here, I'll let you hold your daughter and then maybe she'll stop her fussing." Kate ran her finger across the pink skin of the baby's cheek, damp with tears, before passing her over to Fangs.

He laid the infant down on his legs, carefully changing the child's nappy and dressed her in a cute pair of pink overalls with a white shirt underneath his hold on her was steady and strong.
"Well, would you look at that," kate observed. "She's stopped crying." Fangs chuckled and booped the baby's nose softly causing her to giggle and squirm around.
"She loves her daddy that's why" Fangs whispered and Kate planted a soft kiss on her granddaughters forehead before leaving the trailer.

When the door clicked shut, Fangs stood up and moved from his spot and began to pace across the apartment to the kitchen with Alice cradled against him like he would never let her out of his grasp.
He made her a bottle of milk and began to feed the infant
She was gazing up at him, gulping her milk down quickly. Her tiny fingers grasped themselves shut making tiny fists, waving them around as she drank.
Fangs poured another cup of coffee and walked into the bedroom, he gently shook Toni and she yawned and sat up. "Hello mamas" Toni cooed and carefully took her daughter out of fangs arms. He placed the cup of coffee in tonis hands and she took a sip before placing it next to her on the bedside table.

Fangs shook his head with a smile on his face as Alice rested her head on Toni's shoulder. "Can we go out today?" Toni questioned and fangs raised his eyebrows.
"Ofcourse, Sweetwater river?" He answered then looked down at his new little girl.
"Take her while I get ready handsome" Toni stated and fangs scooped Alice out of Toni's arms and walked over to her drawers. He grabbed Alice's small strawberry patterned swimming constume along with a few towels.
A few minutes had passed and Toni walked out of the bedroom, Fangs jaw dropped. She had her hair down and was wearing a short skirt with a bikini top. "Ready?" He asked and Toni nodded.

Fangs took out a rucksack and packed the clothes along with some sandwiches and bottles of water,
He put the bag over his shoulder and got his phone out, sending a message to his groupchat telling Betty, jughead to meet them at Sweetwater river.
He intertwined his hand with tonis and she took Alice from his arms and into hers.
They walked out of the trailer and walked through the trailer park, through the forest and to sweet water river.

As they arrived at sweet water river they walked along the river bed to the watering hole where their two friends were already waiting for them in the water.
The little watering hole wasnt busy, infact they had the whole place to themselves which Fangs had hoped and planned for.
He headed for the water which was partly shielded from the heat of the sun by trees and bushes
Toni handed Alice to betty and wrapped her baby floater around her. "She's so happy" Betty giggled and watched over her goddaughter cautiously as she started to splash in the water with her small fists.
Fangs smiled and a waved at alice as he wrapped his arms around Toni's waist.
The baby made a little gasping noise as Betty splashed her body with the warm water, baby alice wiggled as Betty pushed her away over to jughead in her floating ring.

Fangs and Toni watched over them for a few moments before they turned away and moved over to the edge of the water. He frowned a little as Toni began to climb out of the water, her arms wrapped around her body clearly feeling a bit self conscious. He sighed and grabbed her hand pulling her back towards the edge. "Sit baby" he whispered and Toni sat down with her feet in the water, her hands still stayed wrapped firmly around herself.

Fangs carefully unwrapped her arms and replaced them with His, he began to trace along her stomach and he leant forward, kissing along her collarbone softly.
Toni flushed bright red and looked up at fangs and then back down at her body, a frown pressed on her face. "Stop it baby" she whispered.
Fangs tilted Tonis chin up so that he could look straight into her eyes, he tried his best to hide the desire he felt for his girlfriend in that moment but she was truly the most beautiful girl in the world. . "Toni, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I'm sorry I don't tell you more." He gently traced his hands along her few stretch marks she had gained from her pregnancy. "These... are gorgeous" he splashed her with a little water and chuckled as Toni giggled.

"I love it when you laugh Toni. The way your dimples appear when you do just drives me crazy" he declared as he placed another kiss on her lips. "And when you pout, your bottom lips sticks out just a little bit," he
Pecked her lips again and kissed along her jaw.
He pulled away and continued, determined to try and cheer his girlfriend up
"I love your hands, and how they feel in mine," he caressed the backs of Toni's hands and kissed her palms. He ran his fingers up her arms and traced along a few old scars.
"and I love your scars, because they're a part of you that you've chosen to share with me.. they show how brave and strong you are.. just like our daughter"

He looked up into Tonis eyes and leant forward, a smile appeared on Toni's lips as she closed her eyes and connected their lips. He wrapped his arms around her waist and took a step back, moving into the water. He groaned softly as Toni bit down on his bottom lip, pulling away a little before letting go.
"Fangs fogarty I don't deserve you.. I'm lucky to have you and shes even luckier to have you as her daddy," she muttered as she stayed pressed against his body, her eyes fixing onto her daughter who was attempting to splash her god parents with water.

Fangs gazed down at Toni, a mischievous smirk appearing on his face. He kissed her cheek and removed his feet from the bottom of the pool, causing his and tonis body to sink under the waters surface. Moments later they resurfaced and Toni splashed fangs, He laughed loudly and looked over at betty and jughead who were both laughing. "I'm sorry I couldn't resist" he chuckled and ran his fingers through tonis hair, untangling her now knotted pink curls.

"Can we take Alice for a little?" Betty asked and Toni nodded, jughead climbed out of the water and held Alice in his arms. He wrapped her up in a towel and dried her off, Betty climbed out of the water aswell and dried herself off, She pulled Alice's clothes onto her and smiled at fangs as he carried Toni out of the water.

"Have you got everything?" Fangs asked, Betty simply smiled and pointed to the baby changing bag. "We have milk powder, bottles and a whole nursery for her at the trailer" she chuckled and Toni laid down on the grass.
Fangs rolled his eyes and laid down next to Toni, "You can have her for the night if you want" he muttered and groaned, his body relaxed in the warmth of the sun.
"Oh my god.. alice you wanna come with aunty betty and uncle juggie?" Betty squealed excitedly and kissed her goddaughter on her forehead as the baby cooed, her and jughead left moments after with baby Alice for the night.

Fangs wrapped his arms around Toni as she rested in the Sun, her tanned skin glowed and she turned around, facing him with a smile on her face. His heart swelled with love and he pulled her closer, trying to make the most of the fact they finally had time to themselves.

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