My love

44 0 0

December 8th 2017

Toni's Pov:

Toni looked down at the now 8 month old baby, who not moments before had been screaming and crying without a indication of stopping any time soon, now the baby was silent - a cheeky smile on her small lips as she cooed noisily.
Toni headed into her room, she dressed alice into her bedtime onesie, and then placed her into her crib.
Often, Toni would sing alice to sleep, but tonight she felt as though her voice would sound too exhausted to sound comforting. Instead, she simply rocked her crib until the baby was fast asleep. "Goodnight cutie" she whispered andEventually, she rose from her chair and walked out of the bedroom, leaving the door open wide so she could hear if Alice started to fuss.

Toni pulled on her serpent jacket and walked out of the trailer - She sat down on the steps and looked around the silent trailer park. She sighed softly as she rested her hands on the railing.
She looked around; a smile appearing on her face as Fangs came into view. The moon shed a dim light above the boy as he walked closer, the light illuminating his muscular body delightfully.
"Are you okay?". Fangs questioned and she stood up, wrapping her arms around his body as soon as he walked up the steps.

"Yeah.. I just don't like you going on serpent business not knowing if you'll return, it hurts Fangs.. and Alice has been playing up all night because she misses you" she instinctively wrapped her legs around his torso as he picked her up easily, carrying her into the trailer and into the bathroom.
He placed her down on the sink and started to run a bath for the two of them.
"You know I'll always return to you, Baby im not leaving, no matter what business I have to do ill always come back. You can't get rid of me that easily and I missed my two girls alot too" He spoke and his tone was soft and reassuring. A smile appearing on his cheeks as he began to strip off his clothes.

Toni huffed and pulled off her clothes too, a pout appearing on her lips as her eyes travelled over her boyfriends body. Dark purple and black bruises covering his tanned skin.
She climbed into the the warm bath and shuffled close to Fangs, her back was pressed against his front and his hands rested around her waist.

Toni moved a little closer to Fangs. She was now sat in his lap so he could was her hair.
A soft moan escaped her lips as Fangs gently massaged her head, rubbing the soap into her thick locks.
"This. Is heaven." Toni whispered. Fangs smiled to himself. They both loved moments like this, moments were they could both relax, intimate moments that allowed them take care of one another.
When he had Toni's hair, he washed the shampoo and conditioner out carefully.
Toni turned around once her hair was done and pecked the boys lips carefully.
She pulled back and climbed out of the bath wrapping a soft towel around her body  - Fangs followed her out of the tub moments later and wrapped a towel around himself.

The couple made their way into the bedroom and Toni sat down on the bed, she patted the spot infront of her and Fangs sat down.
She grabbed some moisturizing cream and shook her head at how many cuts and bruises her boyfriends body was covered in.
Toni began to lightly rub the cream into his back, quiet raspy groans came from fangs and She leant down, peppering light kisses over his wounds.
"I have something coming for you later my love" she whispered and stood up. She rubbed the remainder of the cream over her legs and pulled on a pair of black shorts and a sports bra.

"You do?" Fangs pecked Toni's lips and pulled on a pair of boxers. Toni turned around and bit down on her lip, her eyes widened and her cheeks turned a noticeable shade of red.
"Why.. are you so attractive?" She mumbled and grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the bedroom and into the livingroom.
Fangs shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the couch, a smug smile on his face as he knew the affect he had on Toni.
"I don't know.. why am i?" He teased and Toni slapped his thigh jokingly, she rolled her eyes and sat down next to him.

Fangs slapped Tonis leg gently in response, he leant down and connected their lips together. Toni rested her hand on his taut abs and leant upwards, she pulled away from the kiss and looked up at him with a deviant smile on her face. "Dont start something you can't finish" Fangs muttered and Toni huffed.
She rolled her eyes mockingly and stuck her tongue out immaturely with a giggle.
"Dont be so hot then" she whispered and Jumped up as the trailer door knocked.

Fangs raised his eyebrows "who is i-" his words were interrupted as Toni pecked his lips once more. She grabbed his hand and placed it over his eyes.
"Dont look!" She ordered and quickly ran to the door.
A loud high pitched squeal echoed through the trailer and Toni picked up the surprise she had got for fangs carefully.
FP chuckled to himself and walked away from the door, she shut the door and sat back down next to fangs. Holding the surprise tightly in her arms.

"So.. you know a couple of weeks ago when you told me about your childhood dream? You told me you wanted something and it was something you couldn't afford? And you didn't want the risk near Alice because you were afraid..." Toni paused for a second and Fangs knitted his eyebrows in confusion trying to figure out what Toni was hiding from him.
"Well.. yesterday when you left to do the serpent business out of town with jughead I got FP to go and pick up your surprise.. She bought it to the trailer and Alice is already in love with it so FP took it back to his trailer so I could surprise you today."
Fangs gulped softly and Toni placed the gift in his arms.

She carefully removed his blind fold and he looked down, a tear rolled down his cheeks and he scrunched his face up as a little puppy began to lick his cheeks excitedly. "Toni.. you -" he picked up the puppy and held it in his arms like a little baby. "You bought me a puppy" he smiled profusely and Toni nodded.
She stroked the black and white German shepherd softly.
Tonis heart swelled as she watched her tough boyfriend melt with a puppy in his arms, pure love and happiness evident in his face.

"Its a little boy.." Toni stated and Fangs placed the puppy down on the floor, the little dog began to run around through the trailer excitedly, knocking down a pile of folded laundry.
The door unlocked and Kate walked in the trailer. A frown appearing on her face instantly as she noticed the pile of clothes on the floor in a untidy heap. "It looks like a storm has been through here!" She looked over at Toni and then down at the black and white furball that was now asleep on the carpet.
"Oh you bought him home!" She squealed as she sat down on the floor and stroked the little puppy.

Fangs chuckled and pulled Toni onto his lap. He kissed her cheek lovingly and looked down at his new puppy. A smile appearing on his lips. "Storm. His name is storm". Toni looked back at him and then down at the dog happily.
"Kate, Fangs, Toni, Alice and Storm" Kate stated approvingly as she tickled the little dogs stomach.

"The perfect family of 5" Toni whispered planting a gentle kiss on Fangs cheek.

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