You are my sunshine

27 1 0

June 9th 2017

Fangs pov:

Fangs looked at his barely a day old daughter and picked her up in his larger arms from her crib; to him she is tiny almost doll like in his arms. Even Though the doctor said she was rather big at birth she still seemed to be the tiniest human fangs had ever laid his eyes on. In her father's arms she positioned herself to get comfy and made a noise that he adored, her hands gripped onto fangs hand and she started to suck on the pacifier he had just placed in her mouth to prevent her from crying.

In theory as fangs thought about it he couldn't really do anything to meet her needs at the moment, it's his girlfriend who fed her the best, it's the mother she would rely on for everything. His girlfriend had reminded him many times that he he was amazing the way he was, he cuddled her, soothed her, sung to her, talked to her, let her know how loved and not many fathers did that. Toni reassured him that he was the best father Alice could have.

Fangs held the baby's hand with one finger, he smiled
as He took in how truly tiny she was as she wrapped her tiny hand around finger, her face has such a distinctive new born look, her eyes for one were gorgeous, they were light brown with a mix of green in them. He could see traces of Toni in the babies face,
However Toni for some reason said Alice looked like fangs even though that was impossible yet he kind of saw it too, She had the same lips and nose as him which was something he loved
Fangs looked over at Toni as she sat on her vanity applying light makeup onto her tired yet beautiful looking face. Toni had given birth a day before and still managed to look completely gorgeous, she made it look effortless, Although he knew she was still in pain She insisted on getting up out of bed to help him care for their daughter even though he mentioned several times that he could cope.

If anything fangs hoped Alice would have Toni's strength and her gorgeous dimples. Toni's dimples were one of the things he loved the most however Toni hated them. Before she met fangs she would always cover her dimples when she smiled or laughed, that all changed when Fangs walked into her life. He always called her beautiful and perfect just the way she was so she learnt to embrace them.
Fangs was trying his hardest to learn about his daughters personality, likes/dislikes, why she cried, favourite toy, whether she liked a blanket to sleep with or liked to be cuddled the most, there was so much he wanted to learn about her, she had already changed so much since she was born. Her hair was thicker, her eyes became darker and her cheeks were chubbier.

Less than a minute later Alice began to cry snapping fangs out of his thoughts, her face was red and her cry was loud, "Hey it's OK," he soothed her; he tried to think of what to do, he couldn't think, after all she is new to him. He stood up shhing her and rocking her gently but it didn't work, he looked over at Toni who looked back at him and smiled "you've got it.." She reassured him and he nodded hesitantly.

"What you crying about?" he asked and alice turned her head, looking up at her dad with furrowed eyebrows and eventually her cries turned into sniffles, "Do you want to see something cool?" He asked and Alice yawned, "Look".
He picked up a small teddy bear and held it in front of his daughter's face and her eyes grew wide "Do you like that?" He asked and the baby made a noise which sounded like an attempt to make conversation; yet again he smiled and held Alice against his chest.
Toni stood up and bought the toy up to Alice's face, she gently used teddys nose to boop Alice's with, she then moved the teddy up to fangs' face and booped his nose with it aswell, she giggled softly and leant up on her toes, planting a kiss on her boyfriends lips.

The baby girl sneezed suddenly and then the shock of it caused her to cry again, fangs rocked her gently and laughed, Toni laughed aswell and walked out of the bedroom into the livingroom, she sat down on the sofa and fangs sat down next to her. He placed Alice down on his legs and rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs.
Toni rested her head on fangs shoulder as the two of them watched Alice intently.

The rise and fall of the baby's tiny chest was strangely comforting to fangs. Perhaps it was because her entrance into this world had been so stressful,
However, at the current moment she was resting peacefully in her father's arms and he couldn't believe how something so small had rendered such feelings in him-for the second time since he met Toni he was experiencing unconditional love.
The couple were soon snapped out of their trail of thought as they heard multiple people walk into the trailer. It was Betty and jughead, the two visitors sat down on the other couch and smiled at the new parents.

Betty Glanced over at Toni noticing how loved up she looked Her eyes landed on Alice and then back to Toni, she smiled and then leant against jughead. Betty was happy for Toni, after all she had been through and everything that had happened to her she deserved the happiness and love she now had.
"Do you need anything?" She asked and the pair shook their head, having everything they needed right infront of them.
"Just let us know if you do" jughead whispered and Fangs nodded.

Fangs walked over to Betty and placed Alice in her arms, the blonde girl immediately smiled and cooed at the end baby who gurgled and wiggled around on her lap.
Her eyes were settled on Bettys face, almost like she was having a mini staring contest with her.
Jughead smiled at betty and his goddaughter and held a finger out to her. "I still think she should have been named after me, I mean Toni come on.. She could have a crown beanie and everything" he chuckled and wiggled a teddy infront of Alice's face.

Gently the baby's tiny fingers wrapped tighter around his outstretched one.
Fangs just soaked in the sight of his sweet daughter in the arms of his two best friends. He felt like he was on cloud 9. He looked down at Toni and kissed her cheek.
"We're gonna be okay, you and I. Not sure how I know that. But we're forever Toni." He chuckled.
"Always and forever fogarty" Toni whispered as she leant up and pecked his lips softly before looking back over at her daughter.

Alice made a little mewing noise. Betty continued to smile, alice held her small pink teddy and sucked on it.
Fangs passed over a warmed up bottle and Betty placed the bottle in Alice's mouth, the baby started drinking and she waved her little fists around.
"The serpents will love you they'll see your pretty face and instantly fall in love. How could they not after all you're a Topaz, bet you've got the charm.. not to mention the strength" Betty whispered as she held onto the bottle, the baby guzzled the rest of the milk up and Betty started to pat her back softly. A small burp escaped the little girls lips and the group of them laughed.

"She got that from me" Fangs muttered and Jughead nodded in agreement. He then stood up and carefully lifted Alice from bettys arms, he placed Alice down into her cradle in the livingroom and then sat back down next to Toni.
The four serpents spoke for hours after baby Alice had fallen asleep, Kate bought food home for them all from pops which they all demolished within minutes.

Kate sat down on the floor next to the crib, she rocked it gently and looked over at Toni. "So the serpents say congratulations and they all want to meet her." She smiled and Fangs fiddled with tonis hair softly.
"Maybe in a few days.." He whispered and Toni nodded still feeling a little weak and sore from the the birth.
Betty and jughead stood up and both of them hugged Toni before leaving to give the couple time to relax.

Fangs carefully lifted Alice out of her crib. He changed her nappy and handed her over to Toni after he had finished getting her dressed. "Here mommy" he placed Alice in her hands and turned on a movie.
Toni laid down on the couch, carefully placing Alice onto her chest. The little girl fussed for a few moments before settling. "She's perfect isnt She?"
Toni wrapped her arms around Alice and fangs nodded.
"Perfect like her mother" he whispered and looked over at the tv as Alice in wonderland started to play. Toni turned around and placed her head on fangs lap, snuggling into him.
She looked over at the tv with a smile on her face.

"I love you handsome" Toni muttered.
"I love you gorgeous" Fangs replied and they both looked at eachother before looking away, their cheeks were bright red.

"Always?" She questioned.
"Always" he replied

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