If we have eachother

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2 days passed since Toni found out she was pregnant.

She couldn't believe that her life had changed within the space of a week. One minute she was living her best life with her new family and the next? Well the next she was debating whether or not she could carry on. However she knew she had to be strong, if not for herself then for her unborn child. It didn't take long for Toni to Decide what she wanted to do, she knew she couldn't have an abortion, even though she never wanted a baby this young she couldn't just get rid of the little life. After all it wasn't the baby's fault it was created.

The day after she found out Toni made her way to pops, Fangs by her side. She knew fangs wouldn't leave her side let alone let her go for a walk by herself. He was protective and she loved it. It made her feel loved and wanted. The pair sat in pops, talking quietly about the current situation. Tears fell from Toni's eyes as she placed a shaky hand over her stomach.

"I don't know what to do" she whispered quietly earning a sympathetic look from Fangs. He reached over the table and grabbed her free hand supportively "look tiny whatever you chose. I'm here" he squeezed her hand and then let go as a pair of footsteps approached their table. Toni smiled a little "I know" she muttered as she looked up at the sudden presence and furrowed her eyebrows, what was the serpent queen doing here?

Fangs cleared his throat and Alice looked between the two young serpents, she noticed Toni's hand pressed against her stomach which was why she decided to approach them. "Can we talk?" Alice questioned. The pink haired girl nodded and fangs took it as his moment to leave the pair to talk. Toni shuffled uneasily on her chair and sank back against It. Feeling small and uncomfortable. "What did you want to talk about" Toni whispered and Alice gave her a knowing gaze telling Toni she knew about her secret.

"I wanted to tell you something" Alice leant over the table and took tonis hand with her own gently. The elder serpent started to explain how when she was Toni's age she fell pregnant with FPs child, at the time FP played around with other girls making alice practically alone. Alice explained how she made the choice to give away her little boy as she didn't want him to have a bad life, only being young at the time she didn't think she could cope. Toni's tears fell down her cheeks as she listened to Alice's story. Alice told Toni how much her heart broke when she gave birth as she didn't even get to say goodbye to the boy, he was torn from her embrace as the nurses didnt want her to have a bond with him. Alice finished her story and wiped her own tears away.
"Giving my boy away was the only regret I have in life, looking back I know I could have coped. Sure it would have been hard but not knowing where my baby boy was, not even knowing if he was okay was harder" she gulped back a flow of tears and looked back at Toni with a small smile. "Whatever you chose you have the serpents behind You, you have a family.. I know it hurts but I swear it gets better" Alice stood up from the table, she gave Toni a quick hug before returning back to her booth where FP was sitting.

A couple of seconds later fangs returned, he placed a empty glass on the table and sat down next to Toni. She looked up at him and wiped her face with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. Her mind was already made up. Nothing in her life had ever felt right before she met Fangs, and now she knew this was the decision she had to make. Toni nodded her head, she looked over at Alice and then back at fangs. " Fangs I think-" she paused for a moment and inhaled a breath before continuing "we will be a family of four... a new member will be arriving in 8 months" she whispered and the boy quickly got up from his seat and picked Toni up, wrapping her into a tight hug. "If we have eachother then we'll both be fine" Fangs whispered and let go of her.

"Lets go home" she chuckled and walked over to Alice before they left the restaurant. "Thank you" Toni said thankfully and the elder serpent just nodded.

Toni and Fangs arrived back at the trailer, she walked inside and immediately ran over to Kate. She wrapped her arms around the woman, Fangs joined in and wrapped his arms around the most important people in his life. "I love you all" Toni mumbled and Kate smiled before letting go of the hug. They all stepped back and the elder serpent looked down at Toni curiously.

Toni looked around the trailer and then pointed to the corner of the counter that stuck out into the kitchen a little. "Uhm, do you think we could baby proof that?" She questioned and Kate gasped in shock, her arms wrapped around the pink haired serpents body again. She planted a soft kiss ontop of Toni's head and chuckled. "Ofcourse.. Toni you are one of the strongest people I know. We've got you honey" she kissed her head a second Time and then released the girl from her embrace. Fangs gazed down at Toni, he sighed softly and lifted her up, he placed her down on the couch and prodded her side gently "You'll be fat soon" he joked earning a slap on the thigh from Toni.

That night Toni stayed awake, it was the first time she had slept in her own room since the incident. The first time she didn't feel even a little bit alone. Instead she felt whole. Like her life was complete, she sat up against her headboard and gazed into the mirror on the wall. Her hand slowly made its way to her stomach, her heart fluttered and she felt a smile creep onto her face. She sighed softly and stroked her thumb over her stomach. Toni knew one thing for Sure, her child would not have the same life she had. No matter what happened in the future she swore she would protect her child's life with her own if that was what it would take.
"You should know I'll be there for you" she whispered. Her love for her unborn child was already developing, she felt like the hole in her heart that appeared after her mother died was slowly being filled.

Toni looked over at her camera that sat on the side table next to her bed, the camera her mother had gotten her for her 11th birthday. She stood up from her bed with the camera in her hands, slowly making her way over to the mirror. She inhaled and exhaled a shaky breath as she turned on the camera and moved so she was side facing the mirror. Not noticing fangs who was now stood near the bedroom door with a small smile on his face. Toni placed her left hand on her stomach and clicked on the capture button on the device, the room lit up with a flash and after a new moments she looked down at the camera, a smile appearing on her lips. "Always and forever" she mumbled just as fangs walked into the bedroom and shut the door behind him.

He placed his hand on Toni's shoulder and smiled down at the photo on the camera "Always and forever tiny and tiniest" he chuckled and Toni smiled at him. She placed her camera back and laid down on the bed, Fangs climbed in beside her and covered them both up with the soft blankets. He lifted his arm up as Toni resumed her usual place, her head laid on his chest and she placed her hand ontop of his.

In that moment she swore all she felt was love, love for the life inside of her and love for the boy who saved her life. Toni squeezed the boys hand gently as she closed her eyes, slowly sleep started to overcome the pair making them yawn and close their eyes. Their hands were still intertwined and fangs pulled Toni closer gently.

"Goodnight t" Fangs mumbled half asleep.

"Goodnight fogarty" Toni whispered back as she snuggled into his side a little more and began to fall sleep

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