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Hi all! This is my attempt at a MGK fan fiction. First few chapters is a short background introduction, but I promise it does pick up! Enjoy - T

Daniella POV

To say they were best friends was a minor statement, because they truly had no one else growing up. Both had parents addicted to substance and putting food on the table wasn't an option. Being excited for school supplied meals when available was the life of them both. In truth it was the parents that drove a nail between the two. The blood on their hands that they couldn't wash off no matter the time that passed.

"Danny?" I was pulled from my thoughts as I moved the food around my plate. Colson had a concerned look on his face, eye encircled in a bruise from the punch he took this morning from his father. 


"You're doing it again." He sighed before taking a bite of his burger. For a skinny guy, my best friend could put away food like a bottomless pit. No matter how much food or mess he had around him, there was always the black notebook by his side. He called it his ticket to fame. 

"I'm daydreaming Colson. We've got a little less one year and we're out of here." I sat back in my chair and pushed my lunch towards him. My eighteenth birthday was in two weeks, but Colson had another few months. 

"You need to eat just as much as I do D." I shook my head and crossed my arms, glancing back to the window, rain drops streaking down the glass. 

"I have a job so I can at least get some food outside of here. You on the other hand need all you can get." He sighed and reluctantly switched his empty tray with mine, devouring the food as fast as he could. "So my place tonight? Considering your dad's mood is already flared up." 

"You think your mom will be any better?" We both laughed as the bell rang. 

"Yeah that's a long fucking shot. I'll see you tonight after I get off of work." I stood and grabbed my bag, as he took the trays. 

"See ya D!" 

Seems sweet right? Two misfits who operated so well together even through all the bullshit. The rest of the day came and went, just like my few hours at the dinner waiting tables. It was nearly midnight by the time I got home, my eyes heavy as I walked along the street towards home. Houses were in ruins, boarded up, and rotting away along our street. Homeless people had settled into some. In truth we really felt no different to them. At least I didn't. I dug my key out and walked up to my front door, sighing that it was just left open. 

"Did you get my medicine?" I closed the door behind me, cursing under my breath. 

"If by pills from the drug dealer down the street is what you mean, then no." I hissed it, walking to the kitchen as mother sat at the kitchen table. 

"Useless. Just like your father." She stood, grabbing her coat and walking to the front door. Of course she'd left it open when she departed. I went into the fridge, putting the leftovers from the dinner in there before sitting in the chair she'd just left. 

Life wasn't always like this, at least from what I remember. Mother was a nurse who got addicted to pills. Father was a union construction worker who had died from a collapsing roof. I heard the door to my room unlock and glanced down to see Colson, music blaring from his headphones as he flashed a smile. I pointed to the fridge and he pulled off his headphones before grabbing my hand and pulling me to stand. 

The Killers, When You Were Young was playing. Colson, though into rap, would listen to absolutely anything. We danced in the kitchen, managing to smile in this disaster, not knowing this was the last normal moment of our lives. 

He doesn't look a thing like Jesus
But he talks like a gentlemen
Like you imagined when you were young

"Alright enough." I laughed as he let me go. "Let me heat up some food for you." 

"Why are you so good to me?" He chuckled and then sat down, pausing the music player as I went into the fridge.

"Because you're my best friend." You're all I've got, I thought. I pulled out the takeaway boxes and grabbed a plate from the cabinet. It wasn't much, but Colson wouldn't turn down a meal. We sat in silence once he was eating, I was flipping through a magazine that my mother had left on the counter. I stopped and Colson caught the look on my face.


"She's usually back by now." I slowly got up, wandering to the door. I knew I could see down the road to the dealer's corner, which was right under the spot light. I pushed open the door and looked down the street, yet my stomach went to my throat. She was slumped on the step, she didn't even sit the bottle down. "Colson!" I screamed, rushing to her side. There was a foam like substance coming from her mouth as I finally saw her face. Her eyes were fluttering, which made me scream even more. 

He grabbed me and pulled me back inside, away from her. He'd gone outside and closed the door, yet came back in within seconds. The door was left open and she was laid down, not moving anymore. 

"Danny." I couldn't stop looking at her as he engulfed me into his arms. "I'm so sorry." He mumbled into my hair, my hands gripping his shirt. I didn't even notice I was sobbing. 

One might be asking why neither of us called 911 until morning. Well, I don't think either of us wanted to save her. I watched as the EMTs carried her body away, already stiff from rig setting into her corpse. The police were speaking to me, yet Colson just kept answering for me. 

It was then that I knew I wasn't made for this life. I couldn't stay in Cleveland. I couldn't live in this dead end town and work till I died. I knew Colson couldn't either. 

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