Storyline 1 ~ The Gang (Part 1)

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"Dennis come downstairs now, your late for school!" Mum shouts at the top of her lungs. I marched downstairs with a fat sulk on my face.
"Can I have the day off today, you never let me have a day off. I'm begging you just the once!" I said. Mum shook her head and opened the door so I could leave. As I walked out the door he bumped into Keanu "Hey Keanu..." I said miserably.
"Alright Dennis!" He replies, he laughs as I walked away.
On my way too the bus stop I went into his usual chippy to order his morning black coffee.
"Black coffee please" I asked the man at the desk. A person next too him repeated what I said "black coffee you know." All of his friends began too laugh at me.
I turned and saw a girl in her late teens grab a phone and gave the person holding a red bag their money. "You sell phones?" I questioned him "stay out of it and enjoy your time with that black coffee!" He said and moved me away. "Fair enough, you'll be the one losing out" I answered whilst holding the money in his hand. "Hold on!" He said and grabbed hold of my arm. "Give him a phone" he continued under his breath. "What?" Another member said. "I said give him a phone!" He said rather loud. The guy with the bag sighed and handed the bag over too the supposed leader. "Take one, then hand over the money." I did what I was told and one member noticed a police officer at the door. "Jagz theres a fed at the door!" The member said. "Listen here younger, you take this bag and you hide it where it's safe and I swear too god you will get bags for doing this, I'll make sure of it!" Jagz said. I put the small red bag and stuffed it into my school bag. "Fine, arches 6 o'clock and you can get it there... see you soon... Jagz" I said with a smirk. I walked out the cafe and straight past the police officer looking through the window.

(During School)

"Will can you pass me my bag please?" I asked politely.
"Sure!" Will replies. He picks up the bag then starts moving the bag up and down. "Jesus christ Dennis what have you got in this!" He says noticing my bag was rather heavy. "Nothing... except planner and homework books" I said trying too remain calm at the same time. Will passes the bag to me and we both begin too laugh it off.

(After School)

I walked towards the arches and made sure nobody was there, but there was... of all people... Phil had too be there. "Alright Dennis, how was school?" He asked whilst reading his paperwork. "Not bad too be honest" I say mid collapsing into a chair. "Phil you couldn't do me a favour could you?" I ask innocently "depends what it is..." he replies. "You couldn't go and get me a drink could you from the shop around the corner, I'm so tired, if anyone comes I'll tell them you will be back in 10 minutes." I continue. Phil's sighs "fair enough but dont ask for nothing else, your tea is almost done." Phil says, he gets up and walks towards the shop. I quickly get up out of my chair and stash the bag behind the cabinet. I sit back on the chair and let out the biggest sigh of relief I've ever let out. "Dennis! I've got your drink, come on let's go home, your mother will be waiting for us." I walk out the arches and grab my drink off phil. "Did you leave your bag?" Phil questioned. "Oh yeah, I'll get it after tea." I replied.

(After Tea 5:56pm)

"Thanks Mum!" I say after I finished my tea. I walk towards the door and grab my coat. "Where are you going?" Sharon asked. "I left my coat at the arches" I replied and walk out the door.

(Sharon's POV)

I was cleaning and phil walks in behind me. "Have you seen Dennis?" Phil asked. "Oh, hes gone to get his coat from the arches." I replied. "Do you mean his bag?" Phil interrupted. "No he said he had left his coat, why?" I questioned. "Well he told me he left his bag." He answered. I thought nothing of it until I realised why would he take his coat, if hes already left one at the arches... "Phil you couldn't go down and check on him could you? I don't have a good feeling." I asked. He nods his head and walks out the door.

(Phil's POV)

I walked towards the arches and heard a group talking too Dennis. I huff too myself and walk around the corner and walked towards dennis and the group. "Who are these Dennis?" I questioned him "nobody... I was asking if they had a car here." He replied nervously.
"Dennis, it doesn't take a genius too realise that there is no car in the garage so try again. Who are these lads?" I demanded. "Okay, okay, they're lads from school, I didn't want you too think i was meant too be out meeting them." He answered, hut hes still nervous... like really nervous. "Well you have your bag so let's go..." i asked and he began to walk beside me until he was pushed onto the floor and one began too kick him. The group stole his bag and I grabbed one of them. I began too repeatedly punch him.
Dennis got up and began too run. I left the guy below me and went home.

(At Home - Dennis' POV)

I collapsed through the door and fell into the kitchen. Mum picked me up and placed me on a chair which then she began too clear the blood from my nose. As she was doing this Phil walked through the door. "Phil what on earth has been going on, hes scared stiff!" Mum screamed. "I dont know Sharon, let's ask golden boy. What are you playing at?." Phil shouted. "They weren't from school Phil, I saw them this morning and I bought a phone off them." I said. "You've already got one!" Mum interrupted. "A decent one..." I mumbled. "Carry on!" Phil said still with his voice raised. "They wanted too meet me at the arches at 6, so I went there too give them their phones back." I continued. "How did you end up with them in the first place!?" Phil asked once again shouting. "They saw a copper at the door and said if I hid it then gave it them back then I would get my money back." I said. Phil sat down and put his head in his hands. "Get upstairs now and sleep it off." I walked upstairs slowly because of the pain and went into my bedroom. I took my shirt off and looked in the mirror looking my cuts and bruises. I poked at them and winced at the pain. I laid down on my bed without covers as thinking about making an effort to even try and get underneath them bring me pain. "Once again, your stupid decisions have got you into more trouble." I whispered to myself. I get a notification on both phones. I looked at my stolen phone first.

Jagz - "We will get you for this!"

I looked at my phone terrified and didnt reply back. Who could. Then I got my old phone and read the message from tiffany.

Tiffany - "What has Jagz done too you?"

Dennis - "You know Jagz?"

Tiffany - "Yeah i've been seeing him for a while."

Dennis - "Have you lost your mind hes crazy! How do you know?"

Tiffany - "I was with him a minute ago, he tells me everything. He even told me about Phil beating one of his best members up. Dennis he isnt happy with you!"

Dennis - "What do I do now?"

Tiffany - "I've warned him about Phil and he says he's going to stay away from you, but believe me Dennis it's going too take a lot more than Phil too scare him off."

Dennis - "Cheers Tiff!"

Tiffany - "No problem, just be careful..."

Dennis - "Will do, thanks again"

I started at the wall and began too realise the mess I've got myself into.

This is the first part of the storyline 'The Gang' next part will be out soon!🧡

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