Storyline 2 ~ Too Soon (Part 1)

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I woke up during the middle of the night, something felt off. I looked up at the ceiling and realised the place I was in wasn't my room. I rolled over to then see Lily, who as fast asleep. What happened here? Is what I thought at the time. I got out of the bed and got changed. I learnt over too Lilys side of the bed and lightly moved her arm so she could wake up. Here eyes opened slowly and a massive smile appeared on her face when she saw it was me.

Lily - "Hey Dennis..."

Dennis - "Hey... What happened last night?"

Lily - "Let's just say we went too far, what time is it?"

Dennis - "I don't know."

I checked my phone and it said *1:12*. 'So it's still night time' I thought.

Dennis - "Its 10 minutes past 1, How come I cant remember what happened?"

Lily - "We met at 4ish, we then went too a shop and bought some alcohol. You were drunk by 7, then at 8 some stuff happened and you past out at 10."

Dennis - "By some stuff, do you mean we slept together?"

Lily - "Exactly..."

Dennis - "I lost my virginity and I can't even remember it! That's awkward."

Lily - "At least i can..."

Dennis - "Well thanks for everything! I should go back now, Mum will be going mental."

Lily - "Sure, I'll ring you this afternoon."

I got up from the bed and hugged her before i left.

(Back At Home)

I walked through the door and of course it had too be phil cleaning the kitchen at half one in the morning. I smiled at him and began too walk upstairs. He grabbed my arm and told me

Phil - "I don't know what you've been up to for a 14 year old but when you go upstairs, go and wash that lipstick off your face and wherever else you've got it."

My face went bright red and I ran upstairs. I went too the bathroom and washed the lipstick off my face.

Dennis - "Jesus christ, last night must of been intense."

I whispered too myself in the mirror. I couldn't be bothered too wipe off the lipstick and just went straight into bed.

(In The Morning)

I woke up and got changed. It was 11 o'clock. I went downstairs too see who else is in the house. I saw Mum sat inside the living room and I joined her.

Sharon - "Morning Denn..."

She paused as she saw my face. 'Crap the lipstick' I thought too myself.

Sharon - "I know you like her but jesus she must love you."

Dennis - "Is it that bad?"

Sharon - "Denny it looks like she were snogging you for hours."

I looked up at her. She saw my eyes and realised what she just said was true. She begun too laugh in hysterics.

Sharon - "So my little Denny had his first kiss last night. It was a long one as well!"

Dennis - "Yeah you could say that."

Sharon - "Wait what?"

Dennis - "Nothing..."

Sharon - "No, I know exactly what you meant! PHIL!"

Dennis - "Why do you have too tell him for!"

Phil come downstairs and looks at me.

Phil - "So you didn't wipe the lipstick off then..."

We both laughed.

Sharon - "You knew!"

Phil- "Sharon... so what, he got a girlfriend and they're kissing eachother at 15. It's normal!"

Sharon - "Not only that, Denny could keep it in his pants for an extra few years!"

Phil - "So you told her that aswell!"

Dennis & Sharon - "YOU KNEW!"

Phil - "Yeah! He made it obvious as soon as he walked through the door. He was terrified when i told him too wipe the lipstick off and his clothes were all creased which means his clothes let's say wasn't very neatly put on the floor."

Dennis - "Well this is embarrassing!"

Phil - "No need too be! It's all a part of growing up."

My phone began too ring.

Sharon - "Who's that?"

Dennis - "Lily..."

I pick up the phone

Dennis - "Hey Lily, how are you?"

Lily - "Dennis, we lost both of our virginitys last night. I feel incredible!"

Mum began too laugh as she and Phil could hear it.

Dennis - "I have good news and bad news, which one first?"

Lily - "Good news..."

Dennis - "I feel incredible as well!"

Sharon - "Of course you do..."

She mumbles. I look at her in a wierd way.

Lily - "Good too hear! And the bad news?"

Dennis - "Bad news is, my Mum and Phil heard you say that."

Lily - "Omg"

We began too laugh loudly. Phil and Mum giggled a bit aswell.

Lily - "I also have bad news..."

Dennis - "Go on..."

Lily - "I am feeling sick today, so imma avoid seeing you for the next few days."

Dennis - "That is sad news!"

Mum and Phil left the room.

Lily - "By the way, why do you refer too your Dad as Phil."

Dennis - "Oh..."

Lily - "Sorry it's none of my business"

Dennis - "No it's fine. My Dad died when my Mum was a couple of weeks pregnant with me."

Lily - "Oh I'm sorry... What was his name?"

Dennis - "I forgot too tell you actually! I'm a junior."

Lily - "Awww he was called Dennis too!"

Dennis - "Yep!"

Lily - "That's a good way too name your child then."

Dennis - "Yeah I know. If I ever have a child, i don't know what I'd call it, but I would do my Dad proud and be an amazing father!"

Lily - "I think you would be too! It'd be a cute baby too."

New part should be out tomorrow.

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