Storyline 2 ~ Too Soon (Part 4)

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(2 months later)

I woke up too the sound of music playing downstairs, calm peaceful music that could of put me back too sleep in a heartbeat. I walked down the stairs and saw Lily relaxing on the sofa with Sharon. The pair had face masks on and cucumber slices over their eyes. Lily spends most of her days and nights here as I had to look after her as much as possible, because let's be honest, Jagger couldn't bring up flem. I looked at them for a good few minutes before I spoke up.

Dennis - "Enjoying your relaxing session are we?"

They both took the slices of cucumber off of their eyes and looked at me.

Sharon - "We were relaxed and focused before we heard someone speak over the music!"

Lily - "Have you seen this Denny?"

Dennis - "What?"

Lily - "The bump is growing!"

I looked at her stomach and too be fair she did start too have a bump. I smiled at the sight and sat next too her.

Dennis - "Don't let me ruin it, I'll just sit here and fall asleep."

I rested my head on her shoulder and wrapped my arms round her, leaving my hands rested on her stomach.

Lily - "The baby isn't even born yet and your already over protective over it."

Dennis - "Nothing will ever hurt this baby and if it does they'll be hell to pay!"

She kissed the top of my head and I fell too sleep on her shoulder.

(2 hours later)

I was woken up by a door slamming. I checked the time *13:42*. I slept on her shoulder for two hours straight. Phil walked in the room.

Phil - "What an earth is all this?"

Dennis - "Don't ask..."

Phil - "Well while those two are on there, you can come with me for a chat."

I walked into the kitchen with Phil and we both grabbed our coats and left the house. We began walking down the road towards the park and he spoke.

Phil - "The reason I brought you out of here is because I can finally owe you an apology."

Dennis - "For what?"

Phil - "For being a poor Dad too you..."

Dennis - "You haven't been... I know you only want what's best for me Phil."

Phil - "Well that's good. I'm only trying to live up too Dennis' expectations."

Dennis - "Your doing right by my Dad. Don't get me wrong, being the hardman he supposedly was, he would of wiped you across the floor if he knew we scrapped."

Phil - "Maybe, Maybe not."

Dennis - "Can you tell me about my Dad?"

Phil - "Hasn't your Mum told you?"

Dennis - "Yeah, bits and pieces. I just want too know what you thought of him."

Phil - "Too be honest Dennis, me and your Dad never saw eye to eye. Was he a hardman? The answer is yes. Your Dad was one of the hardest people I ever met."

Dennis - "Your making it sound sound like he had hit you before."

Phil - "Yeah he did. First time we met actually. I think he hit Grant as well actaully at one point. He could throw a punch I could tell you that for a fact."

Dennis - "Why was he fighting often or?"

Phil - "Yeah, he used too do boxing. I see why you do it, it's got too be in the genes."

Dennis - "Tell me more."

Phil - "Okay, I will, but first sit on that bench and then you can ask me anything..."

I sat on the bench and Phil followed.

Dennis - "So what was his personality like?"

Phil - "A bit like yours really... Very cocky and persistent when we had too be. When something came his way he faced it head on. He was scared of anything!"

Dennis - "How do you know that?"

Phil - "Your probably going too want too smack me again, but at one point I was asked too kill your Dad. Point blank range, shoot him in the head. So I went over too the club where your Mum worked at the time and he was there. I pointed the gun at him. I'll tell you now your Dad was a sweet talker. He put on a brave face and showed that he wasn't scared. He managed too talk me round and thank god he did Dennis because otherwise you would be here today..."

Dennis - "I would of smacked you if you killed him, but you didn't. One question. Did you actually like my Dad?"

Phil - "Ahhh I hated him. Not for who he was. It was because he was always a an obstacle you could never get through. He would stand up too me in moments which others wouldn't. He did what he knew was right too protect others. Now I have began too realise that I shouldn't of hated him, I should of loved him as much as I love you Dennis. I love you like your my own. This might sound horrible but I wish you were mine, because I want too be the proud Dad that Dennis is right now. I want too be the perfect father Dennis wants me too be and the perfect grandfather  you want me too be."

Dennis - "You don't have too worry. You are the perfect Dad."

I hugged him and we got up off the bench and began walking home. I checked the time *15:29* and walked through the door. As soon as we got in we saw plates on the table, food already prepared and the two women I love most sat on one table.

Dennis - "Wow, thanks."

I sat down on the chair next to Lily and began too eat.

(A few hours later)

Me and Lily went upstairs and once again I had my head on a pillow that was resting on her and had my arms wrapped around her waist with my hands once again placed on her stomach. Wait hold on. Did I just feel something.

Dennis - "I swear your 12 weeks pregnant..."

Lily - "I am, why?"

Dennis - "Did you not feel that?"

Lily- "Feel what? I was in my own world."

Dennis - "The baby it moved!"

Lily - "Wait. It still is!"

I had my head rested on her stomach and her hand was on top of my head, scratching through my hair.

Dennis - "I love you so much!"

Lily - "I love you too!"

Dennis - "I was speaking too the baby!"

Lily - "Oi!"

She slapped the top of my head.

Dennis - "I can't wait too hold him in my arms."

Lily - "Me too..."

I fell asleep too the feeling of the baby kicks.

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